It's a good time for all of us to renew; consider the dreams we've had, but not taken any action to fulfill them, and plan to take action.
It's our deepest dreams, desire, "fantasies" that are messages from our soul. What's the most true part of who we are. When we take action based on those messages we move toward living our truth. In living our truth we feel whole, like we belong on the planet. We have peace. Lots and lots has been written about change, how hard it is for us humans to change, yet change is what life is all about.
It's a real dilemma; we want things stable, yet life is about change. I must admit that this morning I am feeling the weightiness of that basic life requirement, basic law of the Universe. It's hard. It's a big demand. The consolation is that from the perspective of All That Is, any effort we make in the direction of our own evolution is a giant step, regardless of how small it may appear to us. That effort advances us in ways we cannot begin to imagine. Yet basic life remains challenging. It's a tightrope between two realities. And we're all walking it. Easiest way "out" is to accept and move with the flow. You've seen it. Those who change, carry on with their life. It's perhaps easiest to see in businesses when a business that's not doing so well any more simply looks around, sees what's going on in present time, and adapts. One way to get with the program of change is to undertake it as a big, exciting adventure. Then it can be fun. Most of the time. I've created a Write'rs Hotline in my work with writers. The idea is to be available for quick feedback to writers who need answers right away, perhaps feedback an a query letter they are composing or a short piece of writing, or if they're stuck around something in their writing.
Here's the website: Often in psychic reading sessions I see young women (usually), who are interested in a man who is not interested in them. They want to know why he isn't interested in them. Why doesn't he do this? Why doesn't he do that? What does he mean by this? When he does that or this or the other, what does it mean?
Women spend a huge amount of time, it appears, wondering why the man they're interested in is not behaving the way they want them to. The answer to that is simple: he just isn't and there is nothing you can do about it. Accept it. If he tells you he's not interested. If he's not calling. If he's skirting the issue, saying he wants to be friends . . . And you keep pushing! Stop. He's already told you. He's not interested. Respect his wishes. You would not want a guy to force you into a relationship with him. You would not want to be hassled with why you didn't call him, why you didn't do this or that, corned to explain your every word, every action -- so don't do that to him. Whatever he says, hear it. Honor it. Respect it. And behave accordingly. It will make life easier for you and for him. In my psychic reading practice I frequently see clients who are down and depressed. Their lives are no longer working. They can't find a way out. They believe there is no way out. They get more depressed.
This is a situation we all face at one time or another. It feels awful and can feel very scary. However, it's not what you think it is. It's not the end of things. It only feels that way. Look at it this way. You've been operating in a room (an analogy for your life or career or whatever), and you've explored all there is to know in that room. It's time to open a door, and walk out into new territories. But you don't know there is a door that you need to open. You keep walking around that room looking for an answer when the answer is to get out of that room and into new experiences. You need a brand new idea. You can't know that idea ahead of time. You just need to be open to it. You can know you've come to the end of a road. You don't (yet), know the new road, but knowing there is a new road is enough. So you sit with great anticipation and excitement for your new life to begin. You stay open to possibilities. You don't force things. You don't get upset that you don't already know. You stay open, happy, excited, enthusiastic. And, sure enough, someone will say something, you'll see something, a new idea will simply pop into your head and off you go; you found that door and you've gone through it and into your new life. There is always the next thing for everyone. It's the law of the Universe. There is no reason to be despondent. You just have to know there is something new for you and be patient for its coming. |
January 2025