How I Came to Write the Books
When I first started giving psychic readings, I was amazed at what I saw. There was a direct connection between the reason a person came in for a session, their present state of being (as thoughts and feelings), their childhood, and their soul attributes. Everything was in motion all the time. I had clients of all ages. What was personally upsetting was how clients who did not resolve issues, faced difficult challenges in the present. In other words, if an issue was not resolved, it just became more problematic with time. The troubling part was that unresolved issues, way later in life, could express themselves in the body. There are challenges in every phase of our lives and somehow or other they have to be met for us to stay healthy mentally, emotionally and physically. Understanding that thought creates your reality as a concept is good. However, psychically seeing the way energy operated in the aura is a totally different experience. It brings up an urgency to straighten everything out that's not operating in the best possible way. That's why I wrote the books. What I say in them has been said and is being said many times in many different ways. So, it's not necessarily new. I believe that the same information needs to be said in as many different ways as possible since each person is inclined to understand things different. A a certain presentation works for one person and not for another. The Workings of Energy in the Human Energy Field was a more or less breathless proclamation of what I saw intended to give my clients the framework in which I give psychic readings, for them understand the information better and use it more effectively. Manifesting was a response to the need that right-brain people -- artists, intuitives, spiritual people -- operate differently in the world from left-brain people and needed approaches to creating that were different from left-brain people -- our society offers more resources to left-brain folks. The purpose was also to demonstrate that manifesting is simple: just focus, do a little research, look into things, talk to people, notice what comes your way, and so on -- and showing the reader how issues may interfere with manifestation; keeping in mind the soul incarnates with a purpose and if a person strays too far away from that purpose attempting to create something that's not in alignment with soul path, creating may be difficult. My purpose is to help people makes sense of their lives and help them live in a more fulfilled way. |
Guided Meditations
Time to Set Intentions for the New Year
New Year's Intentions: A Guided Meditation
Live your very best year ever! This beautiful guided meditation will support you in visualizing and setting intentions for a wonderful year! You will review the past year -- what you're happy about and what you would like to do differently this year. You will ask yourself important questions such as: what is your highest vision for every area of your life; who do you want to be; what qualities do you want to live; what does your heart desire, etc. -- as a way to create a vision for your best year ever. You will have plenty of time to consider what you want, so allow yourself to go deep. You will be surprised to learn all kinds of things about yourself and your desires of which you had no conscious awareness. These deep desires will help you create a life where you are truly content and happy. You will also have the opportunity to submit your desires to the Divine. At those times, stay open to insights, revelations, and visions. Focused thought creates reality. Listen to the guided meditation, any time of the year, to strengthen your vision. Take action where appropriate. Dawn McLelland's nurturing voice guides you, along with Peder B. Helland's beautiful music. The guided meditation is about 22 minutes. About 8 minutes of just music follow for you to enjoy and energize the beautiful visions of your future. Headphones are recommended. A 17 minute track, How to Make Best Use of Guided Meditations Created by Zorica Gojkovic, Ph.D., is included. |
Emergency Healing: A Guided Meditation
There are times when we are overwhelmed by a situation, our emotions running wild. We may be afraid, paralyzed, don't know what to do, can't think clearly enough to begin to look for a solution, a way out of the mess. This powerful guided meditation is for such times. It will help you: -- Calm down — Identify the problem clearly -- Open to receive divine love and guidance -- Get in touch with your power and strength — Put things in perspective — Become aware of the many options and resources you have available to you -- Identify steps to take right away to make things better -- Open to new possibilities for your life, a higher vision, a whole new level of being in the world The divine always wants the best for us. Hard times are big learnings that lead to more life fulfillment. Sometimes they are impetus for us to reevaluate our life and change course entirely. Know you will get through this. Divine Love is on your side. Breathe. Move your body as a way for emotions not to get stuck and cycle. Be kind and loving with yourself. There are answers. You will find them. You will get on the other side of this. Listen often. Each time you listen you will discover something new, understand the situation better, feel stronger, see more options, know what steps to take. The gentle voice of Jackie Affsa will guide you along with Thaddeus’ beautiful music. The guided meditation is about 33 minutes. About 15 minutes of just music follow. If you can, continue to listen as a way to stabilize the new energies. Headphones are recommended. A PDF and MP3 of How to Make Best Use of Guided Meditations Created by Zorica Gojkovic, Ph.D., are included. |
Relax into Peace: A Guided Meditation
You’re all worked up. Your muscles are tight. You know you need to relax. And you do! With this guided meditation. When we are relaxed, we have a sense of well-being; we are centered; we think clearly, do better work; we make better decisions. Most of all, we are open and receptive to inner guidance. We start the meditation with simple body movements (while sitting), initiating the relaxation process — moving our attention from the outside world to ourselves and our inner world. Next, we go deeper by becoming aware of how we are doing, noticing if there is anything we need or want giving us the opportunity to take action to take care of ourselves. We breathe, nice slow breaths. Then we relax each part of our body, going into deeper relaxation. We complete by entering a state of deep divine peace. The gentle voice of Jackie Affsa will guide you, along with Thaddeus’ beautiful music. The meditation is about 17 minutes. About 13 minutes of just music follow. If you can, continue to listen as a way to continue to relax and stabilize the new energies. Headphones are recommended. |
Healing Core Energies
Healing Core Energies is a powerful guided meditation designed to help you heal your deepest core wounds and move you toward living in joy, love, peace and abundance. Use this guided meditation only if you are very experienced in self-healing. The guided meditation works with the definition of reality where: 1. All time and space exist as one in the eternal present 2. Everything is energy. Healing is achieved by changing energy in your aura. Since time and space are one in the eternal present, healing at any time, changes “reality” in all times. You will be asked to remember childhood incidences as a way to change energy in your aura, heal those core issues and thereby change your present reality. You can use Healing Core Energies again and again to heal your most difficult life challenges and consistently move into living more of your divine truth and potential. Dawn McLelland’s comforting, nurturing voice will guide you to your healing along with Christopher Lloyd Clarke’s soothing, gentle composition, “All Loving Angel.” The guided meditation is about 21 minutes with 10 minutes of just music at the end. Headphones are recommended. A PDF & MP3 of How to Make Best Use of Guided Meditations Created by Zorica Gojkovic, Ph.D., are included. About 17 minutes. |
Lifting Depression
Feeling down? Numb? A little lost? Not getting much done? This guided meditation will bring you back to your essential divine self of lightness of being, clarity and purpose. Recommended only for people who are not on medication for depression. The support offered in this guided meditation is based on psychic observations on the origins of depression by psychically seeing how energy operates in the human aura. From psychic observation, the causes of many non-medical, long-lasting depression usually originate in childhood. If a child is not protected, encouraged to explore, given attention, simply not had his/her basic needs met, he loses contact with his essential being -- the source of his/her true identity and a guide as to how to proceed in life in a way that is best for him/her. As an adult, unable to access this important information, one feels down, foggy, unmotivated, unable to move. Healing lies in healing childhood wounds. This guided meditation does not address deep healing. It is meant to lift you out of your depression, so you can take steps toward deep healing. Lifting Depression will help you: - Connect with your essential self - Gain clarity - Lift heavy energies - Open your heart to receive the goodness of the Universe - Fill with energy and vitality - Move toward constructive action, take steps to heal at the deep level In the guided meditation, you will be asked questions. Your conscious mind will offer answers. Your subconscious mind will also offer answers that sound quieter, are in the back of the conscious answers. Stay alert to perceive those quieter answers and insights. They offer the truth about your situation. The guided meditation is about 26 min. 10 min. of just music follow so you can stay longer in the uplifting, positive energy. Dawn McLelland, narrator. Music by Thaddeus. Headphones are recommended. A PDF & MP3 of How to Make Best Use of Guided Meditations Created by Zorica Gojkovic, Ph.D., are included. About 17 minutes. |
Relationships, Finding Peace
Having difficulty with a co-worker, friend, family member? No need to stay unhappy. You can work through your difficulties and find peace. This meditation will guide you to clarity, insights, and solutions. Listening more than once will give you broader understanding and deeper healing. Besides helping you attain clarity and peace with your difficult person, you will have the opportunity to look deeper. Sometimes, unhappiness with a person or a situation indicates a more fundamental dissatisfaction. If this is the case with you, you will be supported in getting in touch with that unhappiness by being asked to look deeper into what you really want for yourself, for your life; you will be encouraged to take action to make it a reality. As you listen, see if you can allow yourself to feel all your feelings, to go deep. Pay close attention to what goes on in your body. The body knows your deepest truth. Knowing your deepest truth opens the door to healing. You are encouraged to stay alert to insights and understandings that will come from a level of consciousness beyond your daily awareness. Be available to receive realizations and illuminations from the divine realms. In resolving your relationship difficulties, you will feel lighter, unburdened and free to move forward with your life. The guided meditation is about 18 minutes. 12 minutes of just music follow for you to relax and take in the healing. Moxie LaBouche's calming voice and Thaddeus' beautiful music guide you to find peace in your relationships and in yourself. Headphones are recommended. How to Make Best Use of Guided Meditations Created by Zorica Gojkovic, Ph.D., is included -- About 17 minutes. |
Relationships, Core Healing
Relationships, Core Healing is a powerful guided meditation designed to help you heal your deepest relationship wounds and move you toward living in joy, love, peace and abundance. Use this guided meditation only if you are very experienced in self-healing. The guided meditation works with the definition of reality where: 1. All time and space exist as one in the eternal present. 2. Everything is energy. Healing is achieved by changing energy in your aura. Since time and space are one in the eternal present, healing at any time, changes “reality” in all times. You will be asked to remember childhood incidences as a way to change energy in your aura, heal those core issues and thereby change your present reality. Each time you listen, you will go deeper, uncover more unconscious material and have more insights and realizations. At a certain point, something will click and you will have healing. Healing is when you no longer have an issue with your difficult person. You are no longer triggered. You can make decisions based on the situation is it really is, instead of through your childhood patterning. Dawn McLelland’s comforting, nurturing voice will guide you to your healing along with the gorgeous music of Thaddeus. The guided meditation is about 24 minutes with 5 minutes of just music at the end. Headphones are recommended. A PDF & MP3 of How to Make Best Use of Guided Meditations Created by Zorica Gojkovic, Ph.D., are included. About 17 minutes. |
Anxiety, Finding Calm
Anxious? Rattled? Scattered? This guided meditation will help you: - Calm down and relax deeply - Enter a state of divine love and peace - Connect with your divine self to receive guidance and support - Become aware of the source of your anxiety - Identify actions you can take to lift the anxiety - Discover your deepest heart's desire and begin to make it a reality - Get clear on the one thing most important to do today and inspire you to do it Each time you listen your focus may be different; you will gain more clarity, understanding, begin to feel more solid in your life, experience more peace and well-being. The sweet voice of Joette Emerton will guide you along with beautiful music. The guided meditation is about 35 minutes. 15 minutes of just music follow. If you can, continue to listen as a way to stabilize the energies. Headphones are recommended. INCLUDED: - MP3 & PDF, How to Make Best Use of Guided Meditations Created by Zorica Gojkovic, Ph.D. |
Overwhelm, Finding Center
Overwhelmed all the time? Running yourself ragged, never caught up? This guided meditation will help you: - Slow down - Enter a state of beautiful divine peace - Remember who you really are: a divine human with divine power - Identify what is important to you in your life - Go deep and discover what your heart wants more than anything else - Picture your ideal life and begin to create it - Focus on one thing that is important to do today The guided meditation concludes with a few positive affirmations. Each time you listen, you will gain new insight and understanding, know more of what you need to do to make your life as you like it. It is recommended you listen with the intention of knowing your deepest truth. Only in knowing your deepest truth can you know what changes you want to make. When making changes, be gentle with yourself. Get a planner. Organize yourself. Determine priorities. Take small steps. Stay focused. Keep going until you achieve what you want. The lovely voice of Moxie LaBouche will guide you along with beautiful music. The guided meditation is about 33 minutes. 10 minutes of just music follow. If you can, continue to listen as a way to stabilize the positive energies. Headphones are recommended. INCLUDED: - MP3 & PDF, How to Make Best Use of Guided Meditations Created by Zorica Gojkovic, Ph.D. |
Relax, Let Go
Relax, let go, come back to your divine center of deep peace, delicious tranquility and blissful well-being. When we relax deeply we heal and we automatically become available to receive support and guidance from the divine realms. Give yourself this gift of relaxation, healing and support. Trouble falling asleep? Listening to Relax, Let Go is a perfect way to ease yourself into happy dreams. Gentle, ecstatic, nurturing, deeply healing, very effective. Three different versions: 1. short version to everyday relaxation 2. longer version for times when you have something on your mind and need a little help letting it go 3. still longer version for times when you are very troubled and need more help letting go of cycling worry thoughts and concerns. Version 1 is about 12 minutes with 8 minutes of just music at the end. Version 2 is about 17 minutes with 8 minutes of just music at the end. Version 3 is about 21 minutes with 8 minutes of just music at the end. Enjoy the beautiful, soothing voice of Portalwithin and the gorgeous music of Christopher Lloyd Clarke. Headphones are recommended for listening. |
Your Ideal Life
Do you dream of living your ideal life? This guided meditation will help you make it a reality! You will identify what is ideal for you in every area of your life: ideal place to live; your home and environs; ideal work/the way you want to spend your days; people you want in your life; your ideal financial situation; qualities you want to embody; spiritual abilities you want to develop; your visions for physical well-being, and more. You are encouraged to go beyond what you think is possible, what you believe you can have, and open to your most cherished heart's desires. It may take several listenings before you identify what is ideal for you. Each time you listen, you will go deeper, discover more about what is ideal for you, what your heart wants, what you value, what is important to you. Keep in mind, what is ideal for you today will change over time as you change, so listen again, as needed. As you listen and visualize your ideal life, you activate the laws of the universe: focused thought begins to manifest in physical reality. When you, additionally take action, you support your vision, creating your ideal life. Moxie LaBouche's lovely voice will guide you along with Thaddeus' mesmerizing music. The guided meditation is about 36 minutes. About 10 minutes of just music follow. If you can, continue to listen and give your vision extra energy. Headphones are recommended. A 5 minute track, Some Suggestions on Listening to Your Ideal Life, is included to help you make best use of this guided meditation. Also, included is a 17 minute track, How to Make Best Use of Guided Meditations Created by Zorica Gojkovic, Ph.D., that gives general suggestions for all guided meditations. |
What does your heart desire? Focus your thought and bring it into your life! It is ancient spiritual knowledge that thought creates reality. With focused thought, you can create what you want. You can create: - QUALITIES such as love, patience, inner peace, emotional balance - LIFE CONDITIONS such as a loving relationships, peaceful lifestyle; abundant living - MATERIAL THINGS such as money, a new car, a house, a book, a certain kind of vacation Whatever your heart desires, you can create it. If something isn't working in your life, identify what you don't like, then identify what you want instead and create it. A lot of depression comes from not taking action to fulfill our hearts' desires. The truth is you are meant to create and express your full potential; therefore the Universe will help you! Boldly aspire to create the most wonderful life for yourself! At times it may seem you can't create what you want. There are many reasons for this. It may be your desire isn't in alignment with your soul purpose or the timing isn't right or you are unable to receive what you want. You have to be able to receive what you want in order to have it. This means being willing to change, grow, live a larger life. This can be scary and disorienting. We are used to things being the way they are and change can feel uncomfortable, so sometimes we unconsciously resist it. You can always overcome fear of change by going nice and slow. Being able to receive is critical. If you think this is your issue, make an effort to heal it. The guided meditation is about 25 minutes. 10 minutes of just music follow. If you can, continue to listen for deeper emersion. Joette Emerton and Moxie LaBouche narrators. Headphones are recommended. *Additional recommended listening included with this guided meditation: How to Make Best Use of Guided Meditations Created by Zorica Gojkovic, Ph.D., 17 minutes. |
Heal the Past
Do events in the past pain you? You have regrets? You wish you said something different, did something different? You wish you took action instead of doing nothing? The purpose of this guided meditation is to heal those painful memories. You will be guided to look closely at the incident, come to know the cause, the reason you couldn't do what you now wish you did or didn't do. You will learn a lot about yourself, perhaps touch on childhood/core issues. You will be given the opportunity to see the incident from the perspective of Divine Intelligence. The more you listen, the deeper you will go, gain greater understanding of the situation, yourself, and the larger Reality. Listen until you come to a place of peace. By making the effort to heal, you will be taking a gigantic, important step in your growth. You will create more room for joy, love, peace and expansion. You will assure health and well-being on all levels. In life, we do the best we know how given who we are at the moment. We are learning and growing. And that's how it's supposed to be. The Divine loves us exactly as we are with no criticism, only acceptance and compassion. You will be encouraged to love yourself. The comforting voice of Dawn McLelland will guide you along with beautiful music. The guided meditation is about 28 minutes. 10 minutes of just music follow. If you can, continue to listen as a way to settle the energies. Headphones are recommended. INCLUDED: -- A two-minute Introduction to the guided meditation. Narrated by Dawn McLelland. -- MP3 & PDF file, How to Make Best Use of Guided Meditations Created by Zorica Gojkovic, Ph.D. -- Moxie LaBouche narrator. To get the most out of any guided meditation, it is important to be able to feel deeply and have the vocabulary to name those feelings. You can download a list of feeling words on the author's website. |
Morning Light
Start your day with beautiful music and inspiration! Experience the exuberance, power and lightness of your own being! Revel in the joy, love and peace. Clear any concerns you might have about the day; envision best possible outcomes; establish yourself in your divine center. The three versions of Morning Light offer solutions for your changing needs. Version One is for days when you just want to get out the door and need quick centering and inspiration; about 13 minutes. Version Two additionally helps you clear any worries you might have about a person that day; about 18 minutes. Version Three is for days when you have lots of time and want to spend it looking deeper into your being, transforming, healing and setting highest intentions for your life; about 30 minutes. Used regularly, Morning Light will deepen your awareness allowing you to create your highest soul expression in the world. Narrated by Meagan Moses. Music by Rebecca Reads. Headphones are recommended. |
Your Soul Answers
Often we don't know what to do in a situation and dearly yearn the guidance of our souls. If we make the effort and ask, we can receive answers right away or sometime later. This guided meditation brings you to a quiet, deep state of mind where you can hear the guidance of your soul. We all have the ability to hear our souls -- it's just a matter of cultivating this ability. The more you practice asking for guidance, the more easily you will be able to receive it. Don't hesitate to ask for anything you want to know or any help you need. Please know, the divine you WANTS and rejoices in this connection with its human self. Being connected to your soul, you will never feel alone or abandoned. You will always sense the presence of your soul and be able to receive guidance. However, there will be times when no answer comes. There are many reasons for this. Usually, it's because more events and information need to come in before an answer is possible. At those times, you might be directed to learn from what's exactly in front of you at that moment. Use this guided meditation to discover what is best for you and your life in any situation. The calming voice of Emily Christine will guide you along with Rebecca Read's beautiful music. The guided meditation is about 13 minutes. 10 minutes of just music follow. If you can, continue to listen as a way to stabilize the new energies. Headphones are recommended. An MP3 & PDF file, How to Make Best Use of Guided Meditations Created by Zorica Gojkovic, Ph.D., is included. |