Instant Resources
life is change; change is growth; growth is evolution; evolution is becoming more like All That Is
Yup, you've got the power!! To change yourself, to improve your circumstances, to fulfill your dreams. Say yes!
Quick Ways to Bring About Positive ChangeSometimes life feels tough. Sometimes we feel stuck. In this Help! section I offer many tools (with the gifts of various healers), that can help.
By seeing clients for psychic readings sessions I have seen that during challenging times, what is sometimes most helpful is simply to change your mood/energy by doing something simple like going to see a movie, going hiking, going dancing, listening to music, and most of all comedy! Comedy is a fantastic way to rearrange energy and put everything in perspective. So, go see a comedy show or watch some comedy videos. And we're all rattled at times and one of the easiest, fastest way to calm down is to listen to some heart-opening, calming music. Pandora, the Internet radio station,, is great for that. Couple of my favorite stations are: Deuter; Liquid Mind. Try them out, or create your own stations. I've also created a guided meditation called, I Calm Down, specifically for those times when you are all in an upheaval and just can't calm down. It's available in the Shop. At other times you'll need to make some effort to bring about change. Use whatever tools feel appropriate here. Additionally, I have lots of helpful material in the blog section of the website. More Things You Can Do
Comfort from Beth & CindeIn my book I show you how I see your aura, your energy field and I describe how that energy works to create your reality. I also talk about some common beliefs we all hold that prevent us from actualizing our soul potential and what you can do to easily change them and experience greatest fulfillment.
f you're having a hard time getting what you want, my book, Manifesting, will help you.
Manifesting not only means being able to create material things. It also means changing conditions in your life that you don't like by clarifying what you don't like, then identifying what you do like -- and that becomes your manifesting project. Pema Chodron's book, When Things Fall Apart, is a wonderful, comforting book for times when we are going through major changes, when nothing seems to be working, and everything falling apart. Clarifying, nurturing, comforting.
Make sure you also take advantage of the excellent free guided meditations on the Guided Meditations page.
And make sure you laugh. Laughter is a fast, easy way to change your energy and lighten your mood. I have some videos on the Comedy page. If money is a challenge, a quick way to start changing that is to read Sanaya Roman's book, Creating Money, available in libraries. A set of excellent guided meditations, based on the book, is available on their website, here.
You Can Heal Your Life -- Louise Hay
If you want to go into a deep exploration and healing of your current troubles, this is a fantastic book. It's not easy to work through and it takes time, but it's well worth the effort. The Power is Within You, is also an excellent book full of insights, wisdom and comfort. Hay's affirmation cards are also an excellent support. All of us at times are at a loss as to how to change a difficult situation. We simply don't know what to do. At other times we have things to get done and simply can't bring ourselves to do it. One Small Step Can Change Your Life (Robert Maurer, Ph.D.), shows how you can take tiny step to conquer the largest of problems, as well as the smallest and simplest life demands.
Yoga is a fantastic way to consistently come back to silence and center. I particularly love Mimi Solaire's Deep Stretch Yin Yoga.
Inspirational Interviews