How to Instantly Get a Grip on Your FinancesIf you're earning a good income, but the finances aren't working out here is an easy and quick way to get a grip on your finances:
Struggling Financially?There are many reason why you may be struggling financially. The two I encounter most often in sessions with clients:
In Urgent Need of Cash? This is What You Can DoWhen I first started giving psychic readings, I physically saw the person as a map of energy. I saw that everything is energy first and matter second. Your thoughts, feelings, beliefs, everything is energy. In my work with clients, I work with energy. We create change by changing energy.
To change your money situation immediately, you need to change your energy. You need to change your thoughts about money. This is what you do:
To help you right now, here is a guided meditation on abundance by Sanaya Roman and Orin. I also recommend getting Sanaya Roman's book, Creating Money, which I have listed on the right side here. You can get it from the library. If your library does not have it, have the librarian order it from another library. This is a very powerful book that will immediately change your vibration and you will be able to move forward financially. (When you do find yourself with some funds, I recommend also purchasing the Creating Money Guided Meditations, also listed on the right side here.)
Your immediate goal is to take your focus off lack and worry about money long enough to open up to receiving the money you need. You need to be open to the method by which you receive it, whether it's an idea about something you can do, or a person giving you the money you need, or circumstances in your life changing so you no longer need the money, a totally new door of opportunity opening, etc. The objective is to be open to receiving the money you need and being open to the way this happens. Listening to any of the guided meditations on this website, that feel good to you, will also help. From a psychic point of view what is causing you having a lack of money is the thought forms in your energy field. It's not that money and the things you need are not available to you, they are, it's that your current thought forms are blocking you receiving those things. This is good news because you can change your energy field and allow the flow of that energy. Once you're out of the crisis, you can deal with the deeper causes of your financial struggle. Root Causes of Financial Stress and Struggle:
Edgar Cayce's Response to Financial Challenges