Healing with Guided Meditations
I love, love guided meditations! I have achieved great amounts of healing by listening to guided meditations, particularly my own. They are a wonderful, pleasant way to accomplish many things:
Guided meditations are an easy and pleasant way to help you with your life, improve it and bring success, fulfillment, abundance, love, peace, joy -- all the good things we all want. Most of all they can bring about a connection to your divine self which, of course, means unlimited expansion and potential. Guided meditations are a wonderful and powerful healing modality. I started creating my own guided meditations when I started giving psychic readings. In giving psychic readings, I saw how energy operates in the human energy field, how energy behaves to create our reality. What that means is that to change anything, we have to first change the energy field, our aura. Thoughts, beliefs and feelings are energy. They create your reality. These thoughts, beliefs and feelings can be from any time in our life, including childhood. When I saw psychically how this energy flowed in the human energy field, what became obvious was the specific energy that needed to change to bring about certain results. I wanted to use this knowledge of how energy operates in the aura to make changes in my own life, and since I could not find anything on the market that worked from this knowledge base, I started creating my own guided meditations. What is important about my guided meditations is that they work specifically with energy. You do have to understand how energy operates, though. You have to be able to feel in a certain way, have a certain awareness of energy to work successfully with some of my guided meditations. And if you do, you can bring about amazing changes. That is what I have done. (Periodically I give workshops where I teach about how energy operates and we work with making changes to improve our lives.) Let me give you an example of how a guided meditation works to bring about improved life conditions. Let's take my Evening Peace: A Guided Meditation. I created Evening Peace because I needed something to help me calm down from the day, something that would help me handle my worries and concerns, focus me on what was important, relax from the day and set positive intentions and envision the next day. Evening Peace is meant to be used at the end of the day, though you can use it any time. At the end of the day we're all buzzing from the day, so the guided meditation starts by having you become aware of your thoughts and feelings and sensations in the body. It's a way to come back to self, pull back your energy that's out there on people and things and tomorrow, and on and on, and back to yourself and find out what is going on with you at the deepest level and do something about it. Most of the time we are worried about things . . . and we keep worrying . . . and we keep worrying -- when the only way to stop the worry is to ask yourself: what do I really want? What is important? So, what goes on in the aura, the energy field at those times? When we have lots of worry thoughts cycling in our system, it is difficult to find solutions: because you are not looking for solutions -- you are focused on the worry. To move past this worry stage, you identify your worry and you identify what you want. Your thoughts are energy that create your reality. And now you are directing your thoughts in a constructive direction. This opens up the energy field. When your energy field is open, you are connected to All That Is. You are receptive to answers and solutions. So, if every day, you identify your worries and concerns, identify what you want, identify what is important to you, you clear your aura. You set yourself up for a condition of well-being and progress in directions that are positive for you. How many times do you ask yourself -- and really listen to the answer -- what do I really want? What is really important to me? Most of us don't. We just keep doing life. When you listen to Evening Peace you create time to ask yourself that question and have time to hear the answer. Hopefully then you will take appropriate action as a way to improve your life. We are happiest when we stay aware of our feelings, needs, desires, soul callings -- and act to fulfill them. This attentiveness, awareness, and responsiveness create an amazing state of being, vitality and health. Listening to Evening Peace I have had unbelievable insights and revelations that have completely altered my life. For example, I became fully aware of the body as distinctly having needs of its own and not just about eating well and getting exercise, but the body as wanting to experience incarnation in its own right separate from what the mind wants. While it is operating in this physical reality, the body wants to really experience this reality, enjoy it, revel in it. This is my experience. Everyone will have their own experience. I love my guided meditations and use all of them regularly and am always creating more. I find myself in a certain emotional state where I notice a limitation to my own expression in some way and a meditation comes to mind as a solution as to how to bring about change. It comes to me all done in my head, the entire structure of it. It takes me forever to refine it once I start to work on it, but the concept comes to me as a whole, like a download. So I create it, listen to it, make the desired changes, expand my energy field, expand my life, evolve, bring in more light, love, joy, peace and creativity. I love it! I write about how energy operates in my book, The Working of Energy in the Human Energy Field: A Psychic's Perspective. This explains further how my guided meditations are effective. If you've not worked with guided meditations, I highly recommend you try them -- mine in particular because they are exceptional (yup, I could be a tad biased, but heck if they work wonders for me how can I not love them. They are very important in my life.) -- and make them a wonderful part of your life. I have mine on the tablet and listen to them with headphones. Available anywhere you get your audiobooks. |
Important talk by Marianne WilliamsonLakewood Church, Houston, TXWatch Joel Osteen at the Lakewood Church.
Wonderful Recording of Healing
Therapies and TherapistsSometimes you need a therapist to help you heal. Below are of modalities that I know, from experience, that work. There may be other effective methods that I am not aware of or have experienced. The main thing with therapy is that you should experience healing -- not only feel good for a little while after the session and then things are back to the way they always were. You should experience change. If you're not experiencing deep healing, move on, find another modality or another therapist.
Core Energetics, https://www.coreenergetics.org/ Core Evolution, https://www.coreevolution.de Looking for a New Career or Looking to Find Work that Suits You?I have many clients who are either starting out in life and want to know which direction to go in in terms of work or career. I also have clients who are not happy with what they are doing and are looking for new work. In a psychic reading I identify the person's talents, abilities, soul directions. Then it is up to the person to find work that fits. Usually there is one thing. A person has many options and can choose what they most like. The Johnson O'Connor Testing Service offers a comprehensive, hands-on test to find out your skills, talents and personal characteristics. It's given over a few days in major cities in the U.S. The client results match what I have given in the psychic reading, however, they also give very specific information as to particular jobs and particular placement in those jobs. If you're starting out in life, I highly recommend this service. A good time to take it is before starting college. Johnson O'Connor Research Foundation, https://www.jocrf.org/ |
Recommended ReadingAll books by Jane Roberts -- Jane Roberts channeled the Seth books. The Seth books offer a description of the nature of reality unlike any other resource. Jane has also channeled other types of books and she's written some of her own books. Many of her books are available in libraries as well as for purchase everywhere. The Seth Center has all information about Jane and her works, sethcenter.com All books by Robert Monroe -- Robert Monroe had an accidental out-of-body experience in the 1950s. At first he thought he was going crazy, but being a curious kind of guy, he wouldn't leave it alone until he understood what it was. He wrote three books detailing his experiences and set up the Monroe Institute to teach other to leave their bodies at will. The books are meant to be read in order: Journeys Out of the Body; Far Journeys; Ultimate Journey. They are available for purchase everywhere and are also in the library. The Monroe Institute, monroeinstitute.org |