The Nature of RealityIn my view, there is one truth. The way it's expressed depends on the culture and the time in history. What has been a constant is that humans all over the planet and in all times in history and prehistory had a sense of a power greater than themselves, a sense of some kind of a god.
As far back as I could remember, I had an innate sense of a God. And I also had an innate sense that I could know the nature of God and the nature of reality, sort of be able to know what's under the hood of the universe and understand its functioning, know the nuts and bolts of how the universe worked. If you've never seen a car it will look like it moved because of some kind of magic, but if you knew to lift the hood, you'd see how it really worked. Well, I always thought the answer to the nature of reality was analogous to lifting the hood on the car. In Jane Roberts' Seth books, Seth gives such a description of the nature of reality, a nuts and bolts description, a description without a religious context, though religious veils are explained in the Seth books. The very first Seth book I read, that came to me in an unexpected way, was the experience of the biggest relief of my life. It explained all sorts of experiences I was having that I could not explain, nor did I know of a place or book where they were explained. For example, one night when I was driving, the physical reality vanished and all I saw were strands of light. Another time, sitting at a computer I realized there were gaps in my consciousness, a distinct sense of pulsating in and out of this reality. The precognitive dreams and regular psychic experiences were no big deal compared to these moments when the fabric of physical reality simply fell away and I experienced the reality beyond. In the Seth books I found the first explanations to my unusual experiences. That is why the books I recommend here are the books that give the nuts and bolts explanation of the nature of reality, which is the most comfortable model for me, an explanation that suits me about how things operate in the greater Reality. We are all very different. We are in different places on our journey. Along the way, at different times we need different things, things that make sense to us at that time. At some point, we outgrow a truth, an explanation about the nature of reality, and we move on to a larger definition. What remains constant is the Reality: there is a higher power and it is vast -- beyond our ability to comprehend fully. As we evolve, we are able to comprehend and utilize more of its vastness. For me, this is an indescribably exciting journey, the journey of expansion in consciousness. It's a non-stop adventure into the wilderness where I make all kinds of amazing discoveries. It is more fun than anything else I know. In my work in psychic reading sessions, this understanding of the nature of reality automatically guides my ability to see, and understand. It also shapes how I describe the information I receive to the client. |
Jane Roberts' Seth BooksThe Seth Material
Seth Speaks Nature of Personal Reality The “Unknown” Reality, Vol. 1 The “Unknown” Reality, Volume 2 The Nature of the Psyche The Individual and the Nature of Mass Events Dreams, “Evolution,” and Value Fulfillment, Volume One Seth, Dreams and Projections Of Consciousness The Magical Approach The Way Toward Health It is best to read the Seth books in order they were written. Additionally, Jane Roberts has written other amazing books which I also recommend. All are listed
Robert Monroe BooksJourneys Out of the Body
Far Journeys Ultimate Journey It's best to read the books in order. They follow Monroe's development with out of body travels and the creation of the Monroe Institute.
The Monroe Institute offers programs and other events besides books, guided meditations and music using hemy-sinc technology -- at Other Good ReadingAll Carlos Castaneda books
Near-Death Experiences as Information
It's a long time since Raymond Moody wrote Life After Life. These days, there are many books and videos about near-death experiences.
James Van Praagh has many books out about his experiences as a medium. Dannion Brinkley has several books out about his near-death experiences. And there are many others, if this is something that interests you. |