There are many approaches to making a decision. It all depends on who you are and where you are in your growth. We are all very unique, and different approaches work for different people and at different times.
Here are some possibilities. A good general approach--regardless of what you are deciding--is to ask yourself one question: What is the most constructive thing I can do in this situation? The answer to this question is what you need to do. Solutions that work are solutions that align you with the new light. When you seek the most constructive action, you align yourself with the new light. The new light is about goodness, kindness, gentleness, love, blossoming of the spirit. It is soft and full of peaceful joy. This question opens up your energy field, inviting possibilities. Most of all, you open to input from your divine self. Very important. The strategizing of the head--only--as a way to determine best action is no longer the best approach. What works is the continuous intent to be constructive in every situation of your life--with yourself, with others, with objects, with events, with decisions . . . everything that comes your way. If you do this consistently, ideas will come to you, opportunities will come to you that you could never have imagined, but if you stop to reflect, you will discover that they are in alignment with your deepest dreams, dreams which you have buried and long forgotten. Aligning with the new light aligns you with those dreams, dreams of your soul, dreams of light. If It Feels Expansive, Exciting, It's a Positive DirectionDepending on how you are configured as a human being and where you are in your growth . . . if you are sensitive to your feelings, a good way to see what options are best for you is to imagine all the different scenarios you have available.
You feel and notice what happens in your body. If there is an opening, an expansion, a sense of joy and excitement, then this is a positive direction. If you feel heavy, closed in, burdened, it's not the path for you. Generally when we move toward our light, we feel expansive, even if a little scared. When it's not our path, the feeling in the body is contraction, resistance, not wanting to move in that direction. Project Yourself into the FutureIf you are pretty developed spiritually, this approach may work for you.
You go into a deep inner space, choose a path to explore and project yourself into the future to see how that path unfolds and see if it's a fruitful path for you. You try out the different scenarios this way, by projecting yourself into the future and then choosing the path that holds the most light. Take It a Step at a TimeMost of us stress when making decisions. We want to be assured we're making the right one. We want to know the answer before we take any action.
That is a fantastic way to stall out. In the aura the energies freeze with all the focus (on the surface level), on knowing this answer before taking action. On the deeper level, you're frozen in fear. This is a difficult place. It leaves no room for any ideas, support or options to come in. The thing to do in this situation, generally, is let go of wanting the assurance about the future. Instead, focus on the moment. Take the best possible next step in the moment. How do you choose the next step? You feel into it, as above. If it feels expansive and exciting, go there. If it feels gloomy and heavy, don't go there. After that, you take the next step and the next. Ask Your Divine Self for GuidanceIf you are very connected to your divine self, you are probably already doing this. If you are not, you can start.
An easy way to ask your divine self for guidance is to ask for help before you go to sleep. You may not get an answer the next morning, but you may get the answer sometime after. You can also journal about your situation and use the process where you ask questions at every point you find yourself worried and at a loss as to what to do. Then listen for the answer. The answer may arise even as you are asking the question. If you seek guidance from your divine self this way, over time your communication channels open more and more and it will be easier and easier to receive guidance this way. Eventually you are so tuned into your divine self, you automatically go in directions best for you. This approach may not work all the time and for many reasons. The main reason usually is that you are not asking the right questions, that you need to grow and change in some way. The other reason is that there are more things that need to happen before a decision can be made. So, be patient and try to learn from what is going on in the moment. Stay optimistic. The Universe is for our good. Below are a variety of process from different sources that can help you make a decision. You can download them, if you like. Eight Steps into the Mastermind Consciousness
Eight Steps into the Mastermind Consciousness 1. I Surrender I admit that of myself I am powerless to solve my problems, powerless to improve my life, I need help. 2. I believe I come to believe that a power greater than myself, the MASTERMIND can change my life. 3. I am ready to Change I realize that erroneous self-defeating thinking is the cause of my problems, unhappiness, fears and failures. 4. I decided to be changed I will make a decision to surrender my will and my life to the MASTERMIND. I asked to be changed at depth. 5. I forgive I forgive myself for all mistakes and shortcomings, I also forgive all other persons who may have harmed me. 6. I ask I make my specific requests, asking my partners support in knowing that the MASTERMIND is fulfilling my needs. Note: Make your requests and keep them recorded by date. When you have finished go to step 7. It is very helpful to keep track of your requests. 7. I give thanks I give thanks that the MASTERMIND is responding to my needs, and I assume the same feeling I would have if my requests were fulfilled. 8. I dedicate my life I now have a covenant in which it is agreed that the MASTERMIND is supplying me with an abundance of all things necessary to live a successful and happy life. I dedicate myself to be maximum service to God and those around me to live in a manner that sets the highest example for others to follow and to remain responsive to God’s guidance. I go forth with a spirit of enthusiasm, excitement, and acceptance. I am at peace. Below are couple of processes to help you explore possibilities. Also, I would recommend my guided meditation, Evening Peace. It guides you through a series of process with the intention to let go of concerns and focus on what you most want.
Twelve Questions to Obtain Clarity and Get Answers
Twelve Questions 1 What issue would you like to resolve? Describe it as objectively as possible. 2 What about this issue is not yet clear? 3 What outcome do you want to achieve? 4 How have you attempted to resolve this situation so far? 5 What about these approaches didn’t work? 6 What are your feelings about this issue? 7 What is your state of mind? 8 What benefits have you received from this situation? 9 Is there another way to get the positive benefits that would be better for you? 10 What is the truth about this situation? 11 What would you like to see happen? 12 What are you willing to do to get the resolution you say you want? Tony Robbins' Suggestions on How to Get Clear and Make Decisions
Tony Robbins Says Trying to Be Perfect Is ‘Insane’ Tony Robbins Mar 19, 2016 Most people are anemic when it comes to decision-making. They get paralyzed by fear or lack of certainty – or they just get overwhelmed and don’t know where to start. Leaders make the decisions that no one else can – or will – make. But the best ones use a system to ensure they are choosing the best possible option and reducing any potential downside. I remember one time I was talking to General Schwartzkopf about mentors that have shaped our beliefs about life and decision-making. He spoke of one of the generals that he had worked for, before he was the “Stormin’ Norman” we know him as today. He recalled a situation in which the man was asked to make a decision that had been stagnant for almost 10 years. The general just looked at them and he said, “The answer is obvious, gentlemen.” And then he gave them the answer. He said, “That’s our decision. Move on it.” After they left, Schwartzkopf went up to the general and said, “Permission to speak freely?” He replied, “Certainly.” He said, “General, I know you don’t have a clue what those guys were even talking about.” The general smiled at him and he said, “You’re right. I didn’t understand all of it.” And he said, “But you know what? This has been a decision that no one’s been willing to make for 10 years.” He said, “For 10 years they’ve talked about it, going back and forth. The best minds have been on it, and they can’t decide one way or the other, so you know what? We need to pick one and do it. So I just did. Because I believe that now all the best people are going to go to work on it, and they’ll either make it work or they won’t. They’ll see it’s not working, and we’ll change directions, and we’ll do what’s right, but what’s happened right now is a logjam of nothingness. Decisions are power, and I’m here to make them. That’s what I’m in position for. That’s what I’m a leader for.” Think about it. Trying to be perfect when it comes to decision-making is insane. You’ve got to stop being fearful; you’ve got to stop worrying about failure. The only failure is failing to decide, putting off what inevitably you know you need to do. When I make tough decisions, I use a six-step process that not only helps me make the best possible decision, but also reduces the downside of any decision, because we all know that decisions have power. The system is called OOC/EMR. I should mention that all of this should be done on paper so you don’t get stuck “looping” through potential scenarios. Here’s how to use it: Get clear on your outcomes. What is the result you are after? Why do you want to achieve it? You must be clear about your outcome(s) and its (their) order of importance to you. Remember, reasons come first, answers come second. Know your options. Write down all of your options, including those that initially may sound far fetched. Remember this principle: One option is no choice. Two options is a dilemma. Three options is a choice. Write down ALL options whether you like them or not. What are the consequences? What are the upsides and downsides of each option? What do you gain by each option and what would it cost you? Evaluate your options. Review each of their upsides and downsides (consequences). Ask yourself:
After completing this stage, you will be able to eliminate some options from your list. Mitigate the damage. Review the downside consequences for each of your remaining options. Then, brainstorm alternative ways to eliminate or reduce those downsides. Resolve. Based on the most probable consequences, select the option that provides the greatest certainty that you will meet your desired outcomes and needs.
Remember, it’s better to make a decision and monitor to see if you need to shift your approach than to remain paralyzed in indecision. Do you know the 4 rules to effective decision-making? Hear me explain the most important things you must do before you even begin this process. Go here to download the free audio. Tony Robbins is an entrepreneur, best-selling author, philanthropist and a life and business strategist. For more than 38 years, he has consulted and coached some of the world’s finest athletes, entertainers, Fortune 500 CEOs, and even presidents of nations. All these are suggestions. You are free to use or not use any of them. What works best for you now is what is best.
Excellent Tool to Help You Get ClearDavid Spangler's Manifestation Deck by Lorean Press. This is not a tarot deck. The purpose of this deck is to help you get clear on something you want. Moving through the deck, you are able to see your own thinking and feeling about whatever you want to create, bring into your life. Excellent tool!