Open Exchange magazine has an online calendar now where you can see what is happening around the Bay Area in term of spiritual events and classes. Very handy and useful.
Check it out: Clients come in for psychic readings and sometimes there are revelations that set the person free to go full throttle in a new direction. At other times steps need to be taken.
What I see often is that clients torment about the fact that they can't get something immediately. They believe it's one thing that will fix the entire struggle. Most of the time that is not the case. Most of the time the reason they cannot get what they want immediately is because it's not a direct path. A number of steps need to be taken before getting what they want. And that requires perseverance and faith. And it's in being able to persevere that we grow, evolve, and build our spiritual muscle. However, the main point I want to make here is that one can get stuck for a long time believing that it's that one thing that will fix it all, and right away. This is a sure way not to make progress. It's usually a long haul. But the great thing is that you do really, truly make progress, and you do get what you want when you slow down and take the necessary steps, one at a time. We all have times in our lives (sometimes many), when nothing seems to be going on. Nothing is happening. No activity, no action, no apparent progress. And we get scared and frustrated and we ask why, why can't I get moving with this?
In our society, progress means action. If you are making changes on the outside, it means you're getting somewhere. That is a huge pressure to have as a way to feel okay in the world. In reality, it's the inside changes that are real progress. And, from the outside, that can look like absolutely nothing. It's at those times that really important big changes are happening with us on the inner levels. The important thing here to know is that not even you may yet know what they are, have any conscious awareness of these changes, though eventually you will know them consciously. During these times, spiritual strength is built. We wait. We allow. We watch. But the most important "action," if you are in this phase of growth, is to have the highest intentions and to operate in the highest integrity. The unseen small decisions that we make are all about integrity, all about making good choices and will put us on certain paths. The paths we want to choose are paths of opportunity. This means paths of highest potential for highest growth. "Lower" paths are paths where, once again, we are presented with the same old choices, with the hope we'll learn and make better choices this time around. What are good choices and good intentions? They are thoughts and actions that align with the highest principles: peace, love, joy, creativity, beauty, harmony, etc. They are constructive activities absent of the lower vibrations: hate, resentment, vengeance, jealousy, fear, etc. If you find yourself in these lower vibrations, as of course, we all do, stop and become aware of them, and right then and there choose to turn it around. If it's difficult, as it often is, ask for help from your divine self. The main thing is that you noted your state of consciousness and that you have intentions for the positive. And with some effort and help from the divine realms, you can move yourself to more positive, constructive thoughts and actions. So when it looks like nothing is going on in our lives, we are in a phase of building spiritual strength and affecting tremendous, important change. If we can stay with what is, have the intention for the highest good of our being and the being of all, we give ourselves the opportunity to proceed down paths that are optimum for our happiness and spiritual evolution.
The other day at Barnes & Noble I spotted what I thought would be an interesting book, Excuse Me, Your Life is Waiting (Lynn Langhorn). There was also a "playbook" that went along with it. Apparently this book, when it first came out, was a big hit. I, on the other hand, after taking a quick look, strongly disagree. It's the sort of book that can cause a lot of harm and frustration, like so many other books on manifestation.
Bottom line: no, we cannot create anything we desire! On a simple, rational, logical level, anyone can see that's a ridiculous notion. In theory, maybe, but not in practice, and certainly not in practice at the level of development at which most of us are. However, the main reason we cannot create anything we desire is for the simple reason that as souls incarnating on Earth we choose a path of development, a life purpose. If what we want as human personalities is dramatically different from our already-chosen life course, we will simply not be able to create it no matter how hard we try. Second reason we can't create anything we desire is because--I think in good manifestation books this is covered--we have beliefs and feelings countering that which we want to create, so they would have to be cleared first before we can create what we want. Back to Grabhorn's book. Honestly I've never seen more hubris. Her views are stated as fact. Sure we all know something--at this stage of our development--but none of us here on Earth can know the ultimate Truth. Even in our spirit state, how much we know will depend on our development. Therefore truth always changes depending on where we are in our evolution. So, she states as fact--and this is italicized--how our feelings will always produce reality no exception. False! There are exceptions, and very important ones. The main exception being that, once again, before incarnation when we choose our learning here on Earth, there are certain territories that will be exempt from the influence of our thoughts and feelings. For example our physical body will not be effected, or certain accidents will not befall us, etc. Why? Because our learning is elsewhere. That's as far as I got in that book, just briefly leafing through it. It was upsetting to see how many people it might have mislead, not just with this one simple example, but who knows how many others throughout the book. Bottom line, in my experience, there are things that we know here as humans, and a heck of a lot more that we do not know, way more. A good way to approach the entire manifestation process is to leave the bigger part of that to our divine self who knows more than our human personality. If we want to make effort in that direction, clearing ourselves of the lower vibrations such as hate, resentment, jealously, greed, fear . . . and bringing joy, love, peace, beauty, etc., into our lives, is a way to create optimum conditions for our optimum well being and happiness. And another suggestions: no matter what or who is the authority, always retain the right to be the authority of your own life. If it does not sound right, let it go. If it does not feel right, let it go. Do not make yourself believe things or do things that strongly go against what, in the deepest part of your being, do not sound true or feel right. I love technology and I love maintaining my own website. One of the tools I am really fond of is my online scheduler, Ezy Online Bookings that you can see under the Schedule Online.
Ezy is a friendly Australian company. They have a huge line of features that are super easy to use, very flexible and, above all cost way less than any other online scheduler I've tried. Check them out: Of course I love Weebly. You're looking at it :-) It's where this website exists. Super easy to use. Lots of features. Great price. And a new discovery to help with website traffic, Max Visits, Also, an old favorite that just keeps getting better, Mediafire. They offer 50G of free storage and file sharing, plus pro accounts with added features. Give them a try,
December 2024