I am amazed at the power and passion of this woman. I experience it as evoking the power of our soul, our divine self. I think it's why we love concerts like these. It rings true for us because we know deep down it's who we are in truth, that powerful, that magnificent,that passionate. I love Paul Foot. The nonsense he comes up with releases all the seriousness we tend to go around with daily. I've been working on a whole new subdomain for the Resources section of this website and have finally finished the main portion of the website.
The objective here is to provide useful information and support. We all have times when we're searching for answers. Hopefully the Resources pages will provide that. Humans are explorers because they are a facet of God, and God is an explorer. The basic nature of God or All That Is is creativity, expansion, unfoldment. As humans, we have this same attribute. Exploring new horizons gives us the opportunity to know ourselves in a bigger, deeper way. It evolves us. Change, evolution our necessary for our survival. Given the current events on our planet a new frontier is a good solution to our current problems. It can bring into perspective who we are as humans here on earth, unite us in a common, worthy, exciting goal. Mars One offers this opportunity by creating a mission to Mars with the intention to create a human settlement. Here is what the founders have to say.
Every psychic has her own way of working as a psychic reader. That work includes a focus or perhaps a specialty.
When you schedule to work with me, it's good to know how I work to make sure that I am a good fit for what you are looking. First of all there are old images in our society of psychics sitting with crystal balls and predicting all sorts of things. That is not me. The main reason I don't predict is because predictions are just guesses in probabilities and potentialities. Because we all have free will the trajectory of any event is only a potential. It may or may not happen. I have had calls from people who want to find a psychic who does these types of predictions. When I tell them I do not give predictions, they hang up and keep looking. I feel awful because no one can give them that prediction; they're just wasting their money. Additionally, and related to the above, many people call me with simple questions: Will I get a job? Will I have a boyfriend? Will I have children? and similar questions. You don't need a psychic to tell you that, yes, you will. If you're out of a job, of course you will get another job. Sooner or later. Why would you need to call someone to tell you that? If you're a young person and you want to know if you will have another boyfriend, well, of course you will. If you're young, how can you not? If you're young and want children, you will probably have those children. You want them, so why wouldn't you have them? Of course, there are exceptions to all of this, but spending money on asking these questions, in my view, is a waste of everybody's time and resources. So, if you have only these types of questions, I am not the person for you. My specialty is in helping people evolve by reading energy in their energy field. It's there that information about your present condition, past condition, and soul potential lies. In a session your current concerns come to the surface. Solutions come in the session when I look into these different fields of energy. This takes time. In a session, I look through a lot of material before I come to information that's pertinent. All in all my readings are about your growth and evolution. Not about quick fixes and facile answers. Though at times, there really are simple and quick solutions to things. I do not tell you what you should do. I tell you the issues, the potentials, I make suggestions. But generally, once I give you the information, you yourself experience insights, understandings and inspirations. You are always free to follow my suggestions. If you resonate with things I say, it may mean you are ready to hear them and ready to make changes. If you do not resonate with something it does not mean that I am wrong. It may mean that you are not yet in a place where it makes sense to you. This is something similar to telling a baby that one they they will fly to the moon. Well,the baby can't even understand what you are saying, let alone consider what you are saying. This is true for all of us. We are all in a particular place of growth. If someone makes suggestions that are out of our ability to understand, we will have different reactions, one of them that the psychic is wrong, the other may be that we feel hurt or not seen or understood,and certainly don't feel helped. We make the best of things; there's really no other option. We don't live in a world where anything is perfect, especially communication. There are other considerations. I give a reading with a certain assumption about the nature of reality. If you don't know what that assumption is, it would be hard for you to benefit from the reading. Some of these assumptions are that we are here to learn and grow and evolve and become more of the divine selves that we in truth are. We are here to express, through our inherent talents and abilities, our soul purpose. The fundamental nature of All That Is/God is: creativity, love, joy, peace, beauty, etc., all the higher qualities. The objective for all of us is to embody more and more of those same qualities. That's part of how healing happens. Time and space are one, in truth. Past, present and future coexist. Here on the earth plane we have time. Psychic readings are possible because of simultaneity of time and space. It allows for distance psychic readings; its' why I can give readings on the phone. That we create our reality through our thoughts and feelings is at the core of these set of basic assumptions about the nature of reality. That's a big one. Because this is the fact, it's why I can read the energy in your energy field, and why you can change that energy, and as a result change your physical reality. There are more of these types of aspects about the nature of reality that if you feel similarly, your reading will make sense. If you do not, it will not feel as satisfying to you. It's why reading the information here on my website will help. People come for psychic readings for many reasons. Sometimes they think they need a reading, when all they really need is to talk to someone, sometimes just to be heard talking for the entire time. At those times, pretty much anything that I offer, they will not be able to hear, or even understand; they are that involved with their own material. I make that call in a reading and go along with what will help the client the most at that time. Once in a while someone will come in for a session looking for esoteric information, the sort of an old-school psychic might give. In my view, this person is not looking to grow and learn, they are looking to escape learning and growing by being given such out-of-this-world information that they escape their lives and any responsibility for them. Long stories of past lives do that very well. You leave feeling intrigued and having nothing you have to do to change your situation. For sure, once in a while, I see aspects of a past life with a person, but that only emerges because it helps make sense of what is happening in the present, so it's helpful. I do not read past lives just for the fun of it, to be sensational. In fact, I don't do anything to be sensational. It's all about giving that which helps the client the most. Bottom line, in a psychic reading, lots is involved, and nothing is more important than free will. You choose why you go for a reading and taking responsibility for that choice is what you will have in the end. That's what will make you grow and evolve, being responsible for your own choices. Here are two powerful guided meditations from the Monroe Institute. They utilize Hemi-Sync technology.
December 2024