I have had an amazing day today. One of my clients stepped into the light. What I mean is I saw her light, described it to her in readings . . . she sensed it and went full throttle forward.
Today I found it this light has a form in the world! It is an amazing thing to witness the person's light and the work they are doing. The power is amazing; the consonance of spirit and matter so aligned it's a joy to behold. Ahhhhh! But if that wasn't enough, I felt something else. Of course I was thrilled for her progress, and proud of her courage, but what was incredible is her stepping into her light makes me feel more powerful; we resonate as one! We reinforce each other in the highest truth. Her core work is to help others come into their light. If there is enough of us working in this way, yes, we can change the world. I feel so blessed to experience this in such a clear and direct way. It inspires me, makes me feel grateful to be doing this work. Hurrah! It's a crazy world these days, I think everyone would agree. There is no moral compass of any kind. Choices are personal and individual.
At one time society, religion, offered guidelines for right living, defined moral living. No longer. There is something about being well fed for long enough to forget God and start to believe that we as humans create the laws of the universe, create morality. Of course this is not the case. Our human egos can send us barreling down into deep dark holes. Even though most people may be headed in one direction, if our intuition says otherwise, it is good to listen. Even though we might think we are the rulers of the world, we are not; universal truth rules.That means the centuries-old principles still apply: live integrity, don't hurt others, have pure thoughts, don't lie, steal, cheat; do not exact revenge; don't let anger get out of control, do not engage in violence, be kind, giving, forgiving, considerate, thoughtful, caring . . . . Do the right thing, even if it's hard to do. Interestingly enough, this is not so much about the other person as it is about you. In doing these right things, you will flourish, will remain healthy, whole in mind and body. The tricky part is to choose integrity while all around you people are choosing otherwise. That's where the power of spirit comes in. You simply have to choose to be strong in spirit, be a spiritual warrior, infallible in the face of extreme fallibility. This is not an easy choice, but it's really the only one we have to move through this phase successfully. Commit today to be strong in the power of your spirit, truth, light, God. One of the hardest things in giving readings is watching people suffer when they are undergoing a major spiritual transformation because I can't tell them it will be better. It won't. The nature of a major spiritual transformation is that it's difficult and it can last a long time. And there is nothing and no one that can take that away. One of the really unfortunate things in our American society is that we've been led to believe that we can always have it easy, fix things. Even the New Age folks have led one to believe that one can visualize all sorts of things into existence. None of this is true when one is undergoing a major spiritual transformation. The objective of a major spiritual transformation is that one is undergoing shaping and forming so as to be the vehicle through which soul light can express. For that, the personality has to be shaped. Anything that is in the way has to be ground out, ultimately yielding a new consciousness capable of bringing into the world soul truth. The easiest way to move through this phase is to first of all know what it is, and second, to surrender, say yes, be willing to change. It will still be difficult and still may take a while, but not as difficult as when you resist. The objective is a new, higher state of consciousness, so the more willing you are, the faster you will transform. A good thing to remember is that you wouldn't be in this position of being shaped and molded by the higher forces if you did not have something to give to the world, and if you were not capable of doing so. A good way to think about it, if you're in this phase, is to take on the warrior stance. Think of yourself as a spiritual warrior, ready, willing, strong and capable to undergo this amazing gift of transformation. Joel Osteen, in the video below, talks about this kind of soul growth from a slightly different perspective, but he says it all. If you're looking for an email marketing provider that's in the New Light, then MailChimp is it!
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If the path you're on forgets compassion, consideration, kindness, common courtesy, common decency . . . you're just out for self gratification; it truly is only about you, your small self, your ego self. As good and as brave as this endeavor may seem at the time, what is really happening is that you are abandoning yourself, falsely believing that if you do this thing, you will be happy. Happiness lies in the ability to fulfill commitments to others. In fulfilling those, you demonstrate the capability to fulfill commitments to yourself: you have fortitude. Whenever you are fulfilling the deeper qualities of compassion, integrity, responsibility, honoring commitments . . . you are in alignment with your soul self. When you are not, you are in alignment with your ego self, your human personality. Fulfillment of the wishes of the personality may feel good for a while, but does not lead to what you really want: true happiness, deep fulfillment, deep peace, meaning, joy. Expressing eternal qualities of love, joy, compassion . . . leads to that which you are really seeking--the experience of your eternal self with all the eternal qualities of peace, joy, love, meaning . . . . I was watching Deepak Chopra last night and he used this expression, "Collective Enlightenment saying it's been activated and cannot be stopped; it's in the mass consciousness. I loved this idea, this optimism.
August 2024