In our culture daydreaming tends to be looked down on; a person isn't doing something, but wasting time. Yet if you know how energy works in the human energy field, you'd see that daydreaming can be really healthy.
In times of stress, when a person disengages from the problem and daydreams of positive things, this gives the body and the psyche time to recuperate and gain energy. Essentially no longer being focused on the problem, the entire system can regenerate. At the same time not focused on the problem, the person automatically becomes available for information from higher sources that can help by offering solutions. Under relatively normal circumstances daydreaming can offer clues to what the person really wants and craves, but has been too focused on other things to pay attention to his own organic, genuine desires and needs. If you pay attention to these kinds of daydreams you can take action to fulfill the desires. Fulfilling our healthy desires adds to our well-being and health, and opens avenues for new soul expressions, which in turn brings in more satisfaction and fulfillment, and so there is a cumulative positive effect that's generated. So if you've thought of your tendency to daydream as an indulgent, take another look. See what gems it offers.
Sometimes people are afraid to come in for a psychic reading session. They're afraid of what will be revealed. Coming to see me, there is no need for fear. Whatever information arises only serves to make the your life better and more fulfilling.
I don't look for "bad" energies. I don't even think about "protecting myself from bad energies." I don't see you as a problem. I see you as evolving--as we all are. We all know certain things and we are all learning certain things. For some of us the challenges are big in this lifetime. Other people have it easier. For some people the learning is dramatic; for others it's more subtle. In any case, the way to receive the best psychic reading possible is to come in with an open mind, expecting to be enlightened. If you can leave preconceived notions behind, that's the best things you can do. Let go of what you think you know about yourself, and open to new information. Let go of what you think is real and true, and open to knowing a larger reality. Let go of labels both from psychotherapy and New Age ideology: I am this kind of a person, I only to that, my childhood was . . . . Let go of stereotypes, ideologies, beliefs . . . . When you come into a psychic reading with many preconceived ideas, they serve as a filter through which you hear what I say; so you're not really hearing what I say, and can't benefit by it. Listen with new ears :-) Again, fear can stop us from opening up to new information. We may feel helpless against what we hear. However, that is never the case; you are not helpless when you know more about yourself, have more awareness. Any new awareness always only serves to give you more freedom. In the end, it is only awareness that can continually liberate you into more and more spaciousness, more and more contentment and fulfillment.
My new guided meditation, Nightly Meditation - Peace, will be out soon. I am so excited. It's a companion to Daily Meditation - Attunement. The goal in this guided meditation is to resolve issues that came up during the day, set into motions solutions and healing, and set highest intentions for the next day.
Really wonderful way to continually handle life's challenges and continually bring in higher consciousness and fulfillment. See what you think about the cover :-) I designed it! So much fun! I must admit I am rather amused when some of the people I work with try to lie to me. What always comes to mind is--are you forgetting you're talking to a psychic?! Apparently they are.
There is no faster way to lose power than to lie. Essentially you give up your connection to your soul. You give up your freedom. You give up your power to create what you really want for yourself. You even give up the opportunity to even know what you want. You affirm you're both powerless and unable to take care of yourself in the most fundamental way. Over time that energy accumulates in the aura, creates confusion and congestion, and can create physical issues. Bottom line, it's just not a good way to go. And the strength that comes from knowing your own truth and telling your truth is phenomenal; and it just builds. It creates a wonderful clear aura. With a clear aura you perceives clearly, think clearly. That means you make good decisions and choices. Being true to yourself always heals the body and brings energy and vitality. It's a choice, but option one is really not such a great option especially in the long run. |
January 2025