Align your goals with your life purpose, your highest intention, your noblest truth, the New Light (if you can). These goals will give you what you are seeking.
. . . to have peace from knowing the truth of the validity of our being -- no matter who we are, no matter where we are . . .
I hear this frequently from my clients.
What I have discovered in giving psychic readings is that a "block" is a feeling one has when one cannot access an aspect of himself that he feels to be there. In other words, a person will want to do something, but cannot seem to be able to do it. So the person says she is blocked. From the psychic perspective a "block" is unknown territory for a person. It's a quality or a talent they have that they have not consciously experienced and embodied. From the psychic perspective, blocks are very easy to move through. If you know that the reason you feel "blocked" is simply because you do not know something, because you are moving into an area that you've not experienced before, you can move slowly. When you move slowly and with acute awareness, you will start to make the unknown known, the unconscious conscious. If you can get support from a compassionate friend, or some other excellent source, you can slowly come to know this new territory. It will feel "normal" to you. It will become a part of you. Another way of saying it is that you've brought into consciousness a part of your being that you were mostly unconscious about. Having this become a part of "you," you can now move forward with more wholeness, options and freedom. I think it's a great idea to give a psychic reading as a Christmas present. I recommend it, especially since with phone and Skype readings, I can give a reading to anyone in the world. That is very awesome!
It is really fun to build websites for people to whom I give psychic readings first. It's amazing how much information is available about their business that is then incorporated in developing the business in the design of the website.
It's a situation where the material world is truly informed by the inner light. Simply amazing! |
August 2024