Here is one of my favorite singers. SOOO awesome to listen on a leisurely Sunday morning while making breakfast :-)
This is one of my favorite musicians! You can see him on Sunday October 27 at the Independent in San Francisco. Here's the venue info: Sometimes life will bring our way a person we find irresistible. Sometimes life will bring our way circumstances/opportunities we find irresistible.
It's hard to walk away from people and circumstances that are tantalizing. They have the quality of irresistible seduction. Yet, if the person or the circumstance comes with undeniable: abuse, lies, stress, fear . . . it's best to walk on by. To accept the person or the circumstance thinking you'll "deal" with the challenging aspects, is to consciously accept walking into darkness. Don't do it! In your effort to fight the "darkness," elevate the person or the situation to a higher state, you will become who they are, you will sink to their level of darkness. Keep your Light! Without your Light, no person matters, no circumstance fulfills. After a time, in those situations, you will find yourself beaten down, barely escaping with your life, and it will be long, hard years ahead climbing back to the Light you so easily let go of in the presence of these glitzy things. Nothing is worth losing your Light for, your Self, your Soul. You lose that, you have nothing. Keep the Light!! In peace, gratitude, knowing you are blessed. Be grateful for being so blessed! I give psychic readings to couples. In a couple's reading both people come in together. Given the energies in their aura, I can see how they think about each other and what childhood energies are still active.
What I wanted to write about today is what is common with couple's: each person in the relationship is waiting for the other to do something to make the relationship better. Meanwhile, both people are focused on what they perceive as the flaws in the other person, and the general unsatisfactoriness of the relationship. When I first saw these attitudes in a reading, I was appalled; there was simply no way to make things better with those postures. It's a situation where you beat something up to make it better. There is no way this can work. The answers that arose in readings is to make the decision to actively bring into the relationship love, joy, fun, play, creativity, harmony, goodness, respect, gratitude, appreciation, etc. To make it a responsibility to bring to the relationship the highest vibration and to continually have the intention that your own vibration is increasing, therefore you have the potential to bring into the relationship ever-greater goodness, joy, light . . . In giving psychic readings I have automatically defaulted to holding each person in the highest regard--I see the soul, and when you see the soul there is nothing but the highest respect, highest regard; I am always inclined to bow to the light of each being. In relationship I see that's what has to be the foundation, the bowing to the light, the divinity of the person. This does not mean that "problems" and challenges do not exist on the human level, it just means you approach handling them differently. You can choose to be creative with whatever challenges you are facing, coming to them with the knowledge that all challenges are there to expand consciousness; they are meant to be solved and, therefore, can be solved. So there is no reason for fear. Coming to the challenges with good will and the intention to grow to higher consciousness through this vehicle of this challenge, you are pretty much assured of success. If you make it a focus to bring all the joy, goodness, light, love, kindness . . . to the relationship, you will be amazed how quickly your relationship will start to feel like the one you wanted--but expected the other person to create. At the core of this is you yourself accepting a wonderful relationship, believing in yourself that you can, indeed, experience this much joy and happiness in a relationship. So saying yes to this first, is the beginning. And saying yes to this joy and light is saying yes to All That Is/God. And when we do that, we are at One. And that's what all of us really want because it is there we find peace and joy that is of the permanent peace and joy of our Creator and truly fulfills. As strange as it sounds, many of us simply stop when confronted by a challenge, or an obstacle. We conclude there is something wrong with us. It does not occur to us that we can move through this problem.
This is the truth: it simply does not occur to us that we can move through this problem, challenge, obstacle, and come out the other side. But we CAN, and we are supposed to! It's how we learn and grow, expand in consciousness, and become more of who we are: divine humans. Just know that all difficulties, challenges, hardships, obstacles . . . have an answer, have a solution. There is a way out. Don't give up! Seek answers. Know that you are meant to succeed in finding the solution to this problem. The Universe is helping you, and just persevere. The Universe wants wide open channels in humans so the divine light, creativity, joy and expansion can flow easily and freely. So the Universe wants to help you be what It is: creative, expanding, unfolding, joy, love, peace. When you succeed in overcoming your human challenges, you align more with the frequency of the divine energy. This means you can hold more light, experience more joy, create in a bigger way, experience more fulfillment, experience more love, prosperity, peace and happiness. The Universe, all of Life IS set up for your unfoldment, and gratification. Know that and, with confidence, move forward to grow through your challenges and difficulties, to the other side where you will have more freedom and joy. I will arise in glory, and allow the light in me to shine upon the world throughout the day."
From A Course in Miracles |
January 2025