I was reading The Early Class Sessions, Book 3--(these are sessions from Jane Robert's ESP class in 1971), and came across THE best description about how to work with feelings. Below is a direct quote, but with my paragraphing.
Seth speaking: ". . . Nowhere did I tell you to hide or ignore your feelings or pretend that something did not annoy you when it did. Admit your feelings to yourself. Openly be aware of them. If they are unpleasant feelings then be aware of them as you would be aware of black clouds that pass your window. Do not pretend they do not exist, or you will run into trouble. But when you shove one black cloud against another black cloud you can have one hell of a storm so you do not have to retaliate, therefore. Simply be aware of your feelings, then try to understand the reality of the person involved. Why do they behave in such and such a manner? Once you have accepted your feelings then refuse to let the balance of your mind be upset by such disturbances even though you recognize them. Send, then, thoughts of peace towards the person involved, that their problems may be solved. This allows you freedom to admit your own feelings but puts you in control." Page 113. Often I see clients who are going through difficult times, but the difficult times are productive, they're bringing about new growth, setting up the person for greater expression of soul purpose and greater life fulfillment. It's difficult to tell a client that that is what is going on when she/he is hurting. But it is the way that spirits grows us. Joel Osteen, here, talks about it in a great way.
Found out about these protein bars on Tim Ferriss' website. Wow! Great ingredients and perfectly balanced.
As I've written before, Barbara Sher is one of my heroes. When you think something is impossible, she shows you how it's possible. Her creativity is endless, as is her conviction that we are all unique and worthy human beings capable of fulfilling our potential and experiencing great fulfillment.
December 2024