As dark and dismal as your situation might appear, you are always propelled toward the good, toward the light.
Understanding where you need to grow to make that journey into more light, is the key. Love underlies everything. You just have to settle down deep enough to see and know that. In silence, complete truth, humility, with a heart wide open, you know this truth. The easiest way to navigate these changing times is to seek the New Light and choose to be guided by It.
The New Light is the path of truth, integrity, oneness, love, humility, compassion, dignity, nobility, selflessness. It is the finest, the best in us. Our Divine Self in human form. Your highest path of truth is the New Light. When you choose to walk It, you walk into the New World and you help others to find their way. Be brave. Notice the fear. Walk by it. With all your heart choose the New Light. Then with all the determination walk that path until it is walking you. Smile. Have the intention to create a life filled with joy, exuberant health, contentment, prosperity, peace, and highest expression of your soul purpose.
Make efforts to make it so. Know yourself as a creator, working in partnership with All That Is, the Prime Energy. So many times clients come in and ask me, "Will this happen, will that happen . . . ?" It won't unless you make some effort to make it happen. If what you desire is in alignment with your soul purpose, the likelihood of it happening is high -- but you still have to make the effort. The word proactive has been bouncing around for a while now, and that is what you need to be, but working in partnership with your soul, with the desire to express soul purpose. That intention makes all the difference. For fiction these days I'm enamored with Westerns and today a surprising thing happened. I came across wonderful insight:
"You had to learn to dream with your eyes open, dream the things you couldn't see. Otherwise you thought you had improved yourself when you doubled your dollar-a-day to two." From Hardrock by Frank Bonham He's talking about transformation, transformation that is about making a quantum jump, clearly seeing your boundaries so you can envision and move way beyond them. Marvelous! I loved David Allen's Getting Things Done and recently picked up Ready for Anything: 52 Productivity Principles for Work & Life. I love it. Direct, very practical and very insightful.
I know I'm kinda late in getting hip to this site, but wow! it is terrific!
So, if you're looking to meet new people, have new experiences, check it out. For some reason recently a slew of folks have crossed my path one way or another that are depressed.
Depression is the lack of expression; suppressed expression. (From an energetic point of view.) The quickest and easiest way to change that energy is to start moving. Depressed people wait to feel better or have a direction in which to move before they start moving. It does not work that way. You have to move first. It does not matter what you do, the important thing is t do it. Once you are moving, you'll get ideas of things to do, directions to go. Decisions you've been wanting to make will become clear. When we start moving, the focus is off feeling miserable. That immediately opens up the energy field to receive all sorts of information that was not available because the person was strongly focused on their unhappiness. Once you start moving, keep moving. Momentum will build. Then keep going. If you know how energy works in the aura, it will be easier to do this. I talk about that in my book, The Workings of Energy in the Human Energy Field: A Psychic's Perspective ( As soon as you start closing down, move to open up the energy field. If you're feeling lonely, many times the cause of depression, check out Meetup, and join people in all kinds of events with all sorts of interests. I've written about this before, but I continue to feel gratitude, continue to feel the humbling effect--for which I am really grateful--of being the recipient of people's trust. Could there be a greater honor?
December 2024