It seems to me there are plenty of healing modalities; the question seems to be if one really wants to be healed.
With all the changes these days it's really a good idea to point out the really cool ones. It's too easy to notice the things that are falling apart and talk about them in a bad light, when really all it is is change and change is good, even if at the moment it looks bad.
Anyway, the more you notice good stuff and share that, the better you feel, the more good energy you put out in the world and support the positive things. Be the first to be kind, patient, gentle, good.
It's too easy to get sucked into the madness of the world. Don't let yourself. Be strong. Be the first to take a stand for goodness, for peace, for enduring values. Be unshakable in your commitment. Nothing good comes out of destruction except the knowledge that destruction is not the way. Do we really need to learn that one more time? Choose growth and expansion as the next new exciting adventure. If you fully commit to this path, you will get many more thrills than you ever could from destruction. Find in yourself your light of integrity and don't waver. It will give you strength and peace and in time, it will not only lead you to great things, but it will lead others to great things as well. There is this impulse for people to think of things in parts when it comes to "spiritual" matters. There is their daily life, their body, then there is their meditation, and their soul, etc.
Yet, there is no separation. It is all on a continuum. It's just a matter of focus, the frequency these different aspects of the self reside, different facets of reality. As long as you are thinking in parts, it will be hard to experience the total vitality of your own being and to expand into new awareness. Think of yourself as One, soul and matter simultaneously; don't go and meditate over in that corner at that particular time, but try to become aware of yourself as soul as you sit here doing some ordinary thing. In doing readings I've seen that who we think we are, what we think we can and can't do or become is minuscule relative to what is actually available to us.
The distance between what we think and what is possible is huge. Each person has available to him/her huge resources, huge opportunities not only for growth, for evolution, but also for basic ease in daily living and fulfillment in all areas of life. What stands in the way to accessing this knowledge is simply that we don't know this about ourselves, so we never look for it, never expect it and therefore cannot access it. The great stance to take in life, regardless of the situation, is to KNOW better solutions and options exist than you can imagine. To open up to those and maintain a spaciousness until they come into existence. If you were told: You can have anything you want--would you ask for what you want, or would you stick to moping about what you don't have?
I've been thinking about where we're inclined to look for answers . . . one more of this, one more of that . . . as if adding on to things will, finally, somehow in the end add up to something, when the only thing that will add up to anything is connecting to the great spirit within, feeling its wings soaring into flight, with the knowledge of self as soul eternally evolving, on the grand adventure of expansion through all space all time.
December 2024