Accidentally stumbled upon this Canadian-born Indian comedian. He's hilarious! It is hard to imagine that what we want for ourselves may be very small compared to what the Universe wants for us. In fact, we can't even begin to imagine the doors that await to be opened.
So, what do we do? We stay open and receptive. In time when something comes our way that looks "weird" we don't reject it. Instead, we open up and see it in the context of All That Is, of boundless potential, of utterly new horizons. Here we are very flexible, all preconceptions gone, loose and easy in our being, and we contemplate this new thing with amusement and wonder. Hmm, how interesting. You will be surprised how suddenly you find yourself in a new reality, a new world full of all sorts of opportunities you never new existed, never knew to even wish for. We are all capable to far more than we know to ask for, far more than we can imagine. It's good to keep this in mind when wanting to create new things, as a way to open up to what the Universe has available for us. Life is such an exciting journey! From an energetic perspective, all your energy and being is behind the thing that you really want - -which is what powers its manifestation into the physical.
When your head (ego) interferes and determines that only so much is allowed, the rest of your being is not excited by it, not behind it, and in truth not too interested in creating it. From an energetic perspective it does not work to walk around disappointed when you didn't get what you wanted saying, "It wasn't too much to ask for. I only wanted a little . . . ." The reason you didn't get it is because you didn't ask for what you really wanted. You asked for a little. You may operate under guilt that you should ask for something modest, BUT the universe does not want that! God/All That Is/Spirit, is interested in the most magnificent expression of Itself through you! So, be courageous, be bold, roll up your sleeves, take a big breath and go for what you really want! The magnificence of your vision is in alignment with the magnificence of God/All That Is, and by allowing Its expression, you allow All That Is to shine through you, and in your life. You are in resonance with all of creation. You are your true self, your divine self in human form. If you didn't have to wrestle with the problems in your life; if you didn't have to struggle with your stuff --
What would you do with all that extra time? are pure thoughts, feelings and intentions.
It's how you stay healthy. I've wanted to read Jane Robert's channeled book, The Afterdeath Journal of an American Philosopher, for a long time and finally got to it. (You can get it here:
It is one of the most amazing books that I have ever read. I just tried to write about it, but really, to do it justice, it would have to be a long paper. Anything less would make it sound much less than it is. If you want to be inspired, if you want to expand your definition of reality, then read this book. It's full of a most brilliant light. If something is bugging you in a big way, or I should say it more accurately -- if you're tormented by a situation, the sort of a torment that is unbearable, where you feel yourself locked in a box with no way out, constantly hurting . . . the absolutely quickest way out, though it's also the hardest, most painful way out, is to ask yourself: What am I doing to create this situation? What kind of energy do I have in myself that is the same energy as this situation? What do I believe is true about this situation that may not be true?
Most of the time when we are 100% stuck and in unbearable pain, we hold a belief that we are right about something, when in reality that is not the case. We may believe that we have the correct understanding of a situation, when in reality our world view needs to be expanded. And we simply have to give up our "correct" way of seeing things and open up to a bigger world view. This is a painful process because it is a shocking realization that we've been wrong all along, and that no one but us has been responsible for this horrible torment. When there is a situation that is so intolerable that we are in constant pain, take it as a sign that you need to expand your understanding of reality. Be willing to give up a cherished belief, a "noble" stance, being right. At that moment when you consider that it is you who might need to change, and you consider letting go of something you've been believing, you will feel unbearable pain. But as sharp and horrible as it feels, it is quick, and in a split second you will be catapulted into a larger truth where you will suddenly see things from a different perspective. You will be free. You will find yourself in a large space where can breathe, and where you will find peace and joy. |
December 2024