The trick to receiving inner guidance is following through after the initial prompting.
So much of the time we ask for guidance, receive it, and after that take matters into our own hands. The trick is to continue to listen. Most of the time, inner guidance can only take us to THE important action step-by-step. You have to listen and follow through on all the steps to get to where it really wants to get you. So after receiving the first guidance, pay close attention for the next step . . . and the next . . . I've been finding that most of the "rules" in the various religious and spiritual traditions are valid -- they keep the aura clean.
When you are pure: think purely, act purely . . . your aura is clear. When your aura is clear, you think clearly, you are healthy, you grow and unfold into full potential. It's not about "obeying" the rules; it's that the rules genuinely have a purpose. If you know that certain actions can mess you up, it's a good idea not to do them. The rules help because are so blatant about it :-) The "New Age" is an ideology that is no longer viable. It's a good idea to give that some thought, and open up to what's beyond it. Connection/knowledge/being the Divine Self skips the "means" of the "New Age."
We get to embody/be our divinity, consciously, instead of trying to "access" it through various means. Right now, it is available to us to receive this knowledge, more so than any other time in history. Therefore, instead of applying "New Age" ideologies, open to receive the totality of your being, your Divine Self. Expect to be the divine human that you are. It may take longer or shorter. We can choose to detour, but eventually we all get there--the truth of our being, our light, oneness, God, All That Is.
By giving psychic readings I've discovered that there are longer and shorter paths. I saw this when people were at the fork in the road. Usually one fork is about less effort, some growth, but not as much as the other fork. The other fork presented huge leaps in growth. Both are okay. Though, the path of more growth also offers more aliveness and more satisfaction in this life, besides huge soul growth. The person gets to choose. If they choose the easier path, down the road, they'll have a choice, again. Eventually, they learn enough to choose the more challenging, yet more fulfilling path. But all the forks in the road, all choices are about moving toward more consciousness, more light. There is no faster way to get to where you want to go than to start walking.
This is SO true in personal transformation. You just start. No matter how tiny the step. But once you step out, you've done it. You've set it all in motion. After that, it's being consistent with taking steps. Pretty soon you're in full swing, the momentum so huge, you'll be worrying about how to stop and rest. It's very easy. Just take the first step no matter how tiny! I love giving psychic readings to couples. It's rewarding to see illumination and understanding on their faces. Things are suddenly clear. This is fantastic.
What is even more fantastic is the love. There is so much love with a couple. They wouldn't be together to begin with if there wasn't. And I get to witness this love, and contribute to it! It is amazing! What a blessing! I get to be the Essential me. I get to be utterly selfless in the receptivity of my clients, and see them thrive, and that is THE best feeling in the whole wide world. Ah!
A tricky part of wanting things to change is that you have to make the changes--in some way. You have to initiate the process.
Often we want change, but it's all in our minds as a hope and a wish. And we wait. But we have to take action of some kind. That action can start out simply. We can talk about it, tell friends of the change we want to make. We can journal about it. Then add more things like doing a little research in the direction we want to go. Maybe reading a book. If we find ourselves "forgetting" about the change we want to make, or losing interest, it maybe be we've hit our boundary: the ostensible quota of goodies we're permitted to have in the world. Then we need to work our way through that boundary. The trick with the boundary is to recognize it as such--as a boundary, something to be worked through, grow through. All boundaries are about more consciousness. We have to be willing to face that boundary for change to happen. In the end, it's always about how much pain are we willing to take before we change. It's a good idea to be sensitive and change at the first signs of the need to do so. It's much, much easier then. Waiting creates more complex energies that then will also have to be worked through before dealing with the central issue. So, say Yes! to change, then get into your spiritual warrior mode and go for it! I delight in the way my clients are growing. The image that came to me as I was driving to the office today was of a garden and everywhere blossoms. And my clients are just that way. Beautiful, unique, life giving in their wondrous unfoldment. What a site to behold!
January 2025