When you're in God, you have everything; you unfold that which is right there to unfold in the context of eternity and infinity.
I am soooo happy . . . the workshop is going great. Folks are affecting changes right at the get go. My intention is for everyone to achieve a higher "normal" level of being, one with more joy, vibrancy, and freedom. We're on our way. Hurrah!
Sends you on a mind warp, doesn't it? But this are the exact words that came to me as I woke up the other day. Often I get messages from within that are along these lines.
What does it mean? I've been contemplating this myself. It's about the fact that there is nothing outside of God/All That Is/The Great Universal Being. This means that All That Is, as an eternal being simply is. At the same time, its creations (that would be us), are eternal. By extension, everything that we are here on the physical, that we create, that we experience, is eternal. Nothing is lost. It continues to exist forever in the Great Universal Being and as the Great Universal Being. I love how this makes me feel. I am SO excited about this upcoming Intensive! We will move powerfully into awareness of our beliefs/thoughts and transmute them. When beliefs change, your reality changes. You create ever-greater freedom and joy as a way of life.
Sunday 2 -4 November 3, 10, 17, 24 In my office in San Rafael, 1703 5th Avenue. I am sure there are lots of names in different spiritual traditions for this transformation I am about to describe, and the way I've seen it, I'd say it's the birth of spirit into matter with the personality being aware of the process; being aware of the new person they have become.
In my experience, it is very rare to, in daily life, or in sessions with clients, come across someone who is undergoing this major transformation. I always experience it as the most sacred of events. The person's soul has deemed it the right time and the personality ready. In my view, this is the highest honor to be placed on a human personality. Then the soul, divine self, inner self--whatever name you want to call that aspect of us that is the divine--takes over. It molds you, shapes you, works you. The way I've experienced it is being metal in a flame being beaten into the right shape. It's the extreme and totally unfamiliar. We're used to things happening to us from the outside, and when suddenly we are being worked from the inside with our free will making not a one iota of difference, we are stunned. What is happening to us? Yup, you're in the hands of the divine shaping you to be who you really are: spirit expressing in matter. Never again will you just be a human. You will forever more remember who you really are: divine. You get to consciously co-create with the magnificent All That Is, a partner in Truth. It is the most awe-inspiring, most sacred of events. And I've just seen a client in the middle of this transformation. What a privilege it is to be witness to this transformation. I am so grateful. This is the direction in which humanity is evolving. To see it literally happening is astounding. Hurrah! |
December 2024