![]() From the Blog by John Van Auken on the Edgar Cayce Website. ". . . when he [Edwin Blumenthal] asked Cayce how he could put his finances in order so that he could devote his life to psychic development The answer indicated that the greater development comes from using one’s intuition and psychic abilities to solve one’s financial or any material needs. In this way we merge the outer self and its needs with the inner self and its higher abilities to perceive from a truer level of consciousness. '(Q) How can he [137] put his finances in such a condition as to permit him to concentrate to his greatest possibility on his psychic development? (A) Be not dismayed, for the development in psychic forces must manifest in and through the present conditions, and conditions physical, financial, must of necessity be one and a part of the development. As is given in this: In whatsoever state one finds (as he has found himself) oneself, make self content; not satisfied, but content, ever working toward that oneness of mind (of body, of will, with the development), or universal, or psychic forces. Do not war against these conditions. Make of conditions the stepping-stones to the development necessary to meet the daily needs in physical, in mental, in financial. (Reading 137-7)'" Edgar Cayce Organization: www.edgarcayce.org Edgar Cayce’s ARE 215 67th Street Virginia Beach, VA 23451 Local Phone: 757-428-3588 Toll-Free Phone: 800-333-4499 I like these affirmations because they go to the core of the problem when it comes to a sense of lack. I wouldn't say they will heal everything, but they do bring up elements of what might be blocking receiving good and support from the Universe and offer a "correction" -- the truth about how things really are. The music is beautiful, as is the voice, and the affirmations are wonderfully insightful and comforting. Jess Shepherd is the lady who creates these meditations. She's an energy healer and has a few people working with her. Here's her website: www.jessshepherd.com She has lots of meditations of YouTube.
January 2025