When we try to make decisions we are all aware of one part of us saying one thing, another part of us saying another thing. When the decision is a complex one, even more sides are presented by yet different aspects of ourselves.
Growing up none of us is taught what to do with these voices, these separate parts of us wanting and saying different things. And if the situation is critical in some way we engage in a battle of ignoring or suppressing one of the voices, wanting to make it bad because this thing you gotta do can't take interference from any other aspect of your being. The worst part about ignoring, suppressing, putting down these voices, these different aspects of us, is that they do not go away but stay haunting you, stalking you, never giving you peace. It's really not an ideal solution. The truth is, it's easy to manage these different parts of us wanting expression! If you stop and give time to each aspect of you that has a view, a request, etc., and without hurry hear each of your different aspects present their take on the situation, you will be surprised how much easier the decision becomes. In effect, you have all the facts in and it becomes easy to see the right course. We are afraid to listen to some of our voices because we fear that they will undermine something we desperately want or want to achieve. But they won't; not if you give them attention and time to state their perspective. We are hugely, hugely complex as human beings. These separate aspects of us reflect this complexity, this richness of our being, and listening to all these various aspects of our being with patience and love is one of the ways we say yes to our magnificence and reside in our wholeness where there is peace and security. What I see in psychic reading sessions with clients is that many of their difficulties could have been avoided if they'd only stopped and payed attention to the first signs of trouble.
It's funny how we all tend to discount and dismiss small signs of discomfort. In reality, these signs are very important and if you stop and listen, will save you a lot of grief down the line. What I see in readings is that the sign was there, the person ignored it. Then it came back stronger, they still ignored it. Pretty soon, it's a full-blown problem. And, at this point, the person not only can't dismiss it, it's the only thing they can think about. Save yourself grief, pay attention to the small discomforts, the sense that things aren't quite right, that feeling of being troubled that makes it hard to fall asleep. Face it head on!! You'd be surprised how easily these things are to resolve at their early stages. By the way, I am not talking about physical issues here, but emotional disturbances. I certainly have become a whole lot better of stopping the whole show and simply dealing with what's troubling me. There is less discord in general, and a great feeling of competency in being able to handle anything to comes my way. BestPsychicDirectory.com
Read & Write Reviews Of Psychics & Mediums! For a directory of psychics and mediums based on location, visit BestPsychicDirectory.com where you can write reviews about your best readings. At times we all have a hard time getting something done. The easiest way to get going is to identify the very first step you need to take. And just do that. Nothing else. You'll be amazed how suddenly you're off and doing this thing that you didn't want to do. At other times the hesitation is more about fear. You're just afraid to get moving and your body stays in this frozen state. At these times what really helps is to just say, "Heck, I'm terrified!" But none of us should let fear ever stop us. You do the same thing, as above, you identify that first small step, and you take it--all the while noticing how your legs are shaking. Ah! Nothing like going into virgin territory of consciousness, expanding your reality, expanding your being, creating a larger palette of life! If you move forward in this way, you can get excited about moving into new territories, relishing in the adventure. There are lots of books out there about life after death. This story is one of many. You can read here: http://www.thedailybeast.com/newsweek/2012/10/07/proof-of-heaven-a-doctor-s-experience-with-the-afterlife.html
There is a momentum in our society that everyone has to know right away their career. And that is an impossible request, especially for young people. What experience do they have on which to make that decision? Furthermore, from giving psychic readings, almost all of life is about development, unfoldment: you take one step, and the next is revealed. You cannot know too far ahead.
If you follow authentic inner inspiration--that's your soul talking to you--you will be guided to the right experiences, right work, and the most fulfilling life for you. When you have one of those inspirations, they may not make sense intellectually, but if you take the step, nevertheless, you will find on that path the thing that does make sense, and more sense than you thought possible. So for young people I would encourage you to notice those deep loves, deep inspirations, deep curiosities, and follow them. Not necessarily as an end in itself, but as a stepping stone to something even more true and real. This is great! Ran across this quote reading a book. Henry Ford said it. Good to keep in mind.
Long story short . . . I had a vision of a large man, muscular and strong, seemed like he was a sailor. He was a can-do kind of guy. From him came the question: "Who can defeat you?"
He was at a pub, a head taller and much louder than the men standing around him. There was sudden silence, then out he came with: "No one. Only you can defeat yourself!" I've been thinking about it ever since. I have many young women come to me because of relationship concerns. They'd like the great relationship, but so far have not succeeded in finding one.
Though there are logistics and other things involved, what I find as the cause of their lack of success is in how they are thinking about relationship. I think magazines and books instruct to make a list of the kind of person you're looking for, so that notion predominates. But from giving readings, I don't see that as a good approach. The approach that's been shown to me in readings is to think in about the lifestyle that you want for yourself and then see the person who would fit that lifestyle. This will change in how you perceive people and allow you to find a person that's compatible and a good match.
January 2025