I love guided meditations. The are the perfect way to focus consciousness in constructive, uplifting directions, or untangle challenging situations.
This year I recommend you get my two guided meditations, Affirmations of Highest Truth and Daily Meditation - Attunement. The energy of these meditations is super high. In high, positive energy, your body heals, you are in alignment with All That Is. Under those conditions you think more positive thoughts, see opportunities, act in harmony with those around you, and in general have optimal conditions for living your life in the highest possible way. My two guided meditations support you in living your highest truth. You can listen to samples and purchase in my Shop of Inspirations. It's that time of the year when most of us reflect on what we've done and what we'd like to do; what we've accomplished and what else we want to accomplish. We make resolutions; we set intentions.
My recommendation for the coming year is to set intentions to bring qualities into your life. Instead of setting goals in the usual sense, or planning on acquiring things, set intentions to have new, positive, uplifting qualities in your life. Qualities such as more love, more peace, more joy, more creativity, more fun, more laughter, more harmony with all beings, more exuberance, vitality and vibrant health and well being. Choose to see and experience more abundance and wealth in your life on all levels of reality. Reflect on all for which you are grateful, little things and big things. And choose to experience even more gratitude in the coming year. Peace How do you know if you're on the right path in your life? How do you know you're going in the right direction? How do you know what choices are best for you? How do you make decisions?
We all struggle with these questions, and interestingly enough, the answer is very simple. When you contemplate these questions, notice how your body feels. That's where the answer lies. Does your body feel expansive, full of energy, excitement and enthusiasm? Or do you feel a shrinking, a closing, a retreating, a sense of getting smaller? We always want to move in the direction of expansion, energy and lightness of being: that is the right path for us. We choose that path and we continue to pay attention. We continue to notice how we feel, the energy in our bodies and allow that to guide us in further decisions and choices. Whatever brings you the most energy, inspiration, exuberance, vitality -- that is the most optimum direction for you. Tony has a new book out that I can't really recommend. I've tried reading it. Super long winded, though you might like it. Nevertheless his interviews about the book are fantastic, including this one. Periodically we all want to make a change -- move to a new place, get a new job, start a new relationship, and so on. And we make efforts and discover they are not working. We can't seem to get what we want.
At this point most of us are inclined to go smaller, ask for something less, as a way to finally get what we want. "All right, I'll settle for . . . just make it happen at last!" we say in exasperation. The belief is if we don't ask for too much, we'll get what we want. It's an interesting stance we take, one we might have taken as children with our parents. And we treat the Universe/All That Is as a parent, without realizing it. But we're the creators here! We don't have to take the attitude of asking a parent, negotiating what we're going to get. And the Universe, All That Is's nature is expansiveness, creation, abundance, boundless wealth. It wants us to be as big a channel for the wonderful universal energy as we can possibly be. So, frequently, when we're stuck and can't make something happen, it's not because we're asking for too much, but because we're asking for too little. Simply, we're giving universal energy too small a channel, too small a conduit through which it can flow. Change your thinking. Ask for what feels really true to you, your highest truth, whatever makes you sing inside, your body vibrate with joy and excitement. It's always easier to create when we're in alignment with our soul potential, our highest light, which is always something that makes us feel fantastic. Think of what will make you wildly happy, ecstatic -- that's the direction in which to go. A psychic reading is a great gift to give to friends and family and to yourself!
This year I have very special rates. Purchase in Shop of Inspirations. For family and friends in town, purchase In-person Sessions. For those out of town, purchase Phone/Skype Sessions. And don't forget couples. Give a gift certificate for a couple's reading to your favorite couple, or use it yourself for a reading with your mom, dad, sibling, or friend. Astarius is an amazing sound healer. Check out his CDs and his work on his website, www.astarius.com Sometimes it's hard to tell apart a situation that's real trouble and needs serious attention from a situation where we're simply being "picky," "sensitive," "ungrateful." But pay attention.
If a situation repeatedly brings you grief, stop and examine it. See exactly what's troubling. And look for solutions. If a situation that genuinely needs your attention, where you need to correct your path, goes unattended, it becomes a lot more difficult to solve later on when it's become more complex, and when you're so deeply buried in it, you can't see clear your way out. Additionally, every choice in life you make, a path you take, opens up other possibilities and closes down others. When you're not handling the challenges you genuinely need to handle, you close off the path of your higher development--for the moment at least. So, stop and handle things that trouble you as a way to guarantee freedom and joy going forward. And build the sense of power that you can indeed handle your challenges. It's in your hands and you can do it, build a life that suits you, gives you joy and satisfaction. Once in a while I see a person for a psychic reading who expects instant, concrete answers. And sometimes no instant, concrete answers are available.
Usually this is the case when the person is making a big change. At that time, there are only potentials and possibilities. The person, through their own effort and awareness eventually makes decisions about her next steps. It's a process of becoming. As they become a new person, they will make new decisions. It's the new person that's making the new decisions. Free will is involved. The personalities tastes, interests, likes and dislikes are involved in what will happen in the future. As a psychic reader--in this transitional phase of their life--I can point out where they've been, their potential, what might be in the way. Most importantly, I sketch out their current stance, thinking process, emotional approach and what needs to change for them to open up new potentials. So, at this stage of growth, there are no concrete answers, only possibilities. However, if a person knows this is happening, they can fully utilize the opportunity and create something magnificent for themselves, instead of hurrying up and grasping to what's easiest and closest as a way to alleviate the discomfort of the unknown. All spiritual warriors need to know how to maneuver the territory of the unknown; it's the best way to create optimal life conditions. |
December 2024