Excited about driving to Boise this Sunday. Will be doing some readings there and perhaps even some on the way there. Oh, what fun!
Ah! Love working out with weights! Nothing like deep breathing, profuse sweating. Yum!
In my readings I've met only a few people whose soul's goals are of the type where their options "appear" to be limited on the earth plane.
The rest of the people--whatever "problems," or challenges they have, can take action to change their circumstances. In other words, the problems are not decreed. They're not fated. The problem I most often see is that we focus on the problem and forget to focus on opening up to the solution. And that's actually how we create the problem that, when it first presented itself was a mild irritation. If we paid attention to it at that point, opened up to healing, light, solutions, we would have grown in our understanding and moved beyond it. Most people appear not to know that they can open up to their Whole Self, their Divine Self and simply ask for solutions, guidance, healing, with full knowledge that this will be made available to them. Always we are far more than we know, have at our disposal far more than we could ever imagine. All we have to do is remember this and act on it. In doing a psychic reading it is a continual source of amazement for me to see the huge disparity between how we "generally" perceive (and interpret) a situation/event and what is really going on on the deeper levels, in terms of the evolution of the soul.
The way our interpretation as a society, in America, at this time sees events -- they're filtered through a huge set of interpretations of right and wrong, good and bad, that, I find, have nothing to do whatsoever with the Truth, with the evolution of the soul, with a person's life purpose. In doing a reading, what "appears" to be going on and what "is" going on is SO dramatic, it's utterly staggering. Not only that, but it varies dramatically from person to person, so there is no "standard" of how things should be, the right way to be. Truly, each person's life is utterly unique and individual and follows its own very specific path of evolution. It's amazing to me how my clients are growing. They come back after a long interval and not only has their entire energy changed dramatically, but they're ready to spring forward into yet another wave of growth! I am simply blown away!
AND, that isn't all. I get to have the privilege, ah!, of being the witness to their transition into the New Light, into the new paradigm! I see them divest themselves of history, undress themselves of old limited views, and get on wide and deep paths of growth, in resonance with Essence and in alignment with their life purpose. Oh, my, but this is truly spectacular. I feel so honored, blessed to be present for this sacred transformation. HURRAH for my clients!!! You are SOOO great, such sparkling, wondrous beings of magnificent Light! The most fun thing has occurred: a local salsa dance venue that's during day hours! Hurrah! The Sausalito Seahorse, Sundays 3 - 7, class first, live band at 4. Great island-type atmosphere. Big dance floor.
Dining. http://sausalitoseahorse.com/ It's been sooo much fun dancing with a bunch of really good dancers, great music. Fun to see the neighbors. Ah, at last a dance venue 10 minutes from my house at a time when I'm not already asleep. I just checked exactly how Google Translate on my Home Page actually translates my site in Serbian. What a joke--My comment, "If you have a challenge in your life, I can help," translates as "I can't help" :-)
Wonder how it comes out in Chinese and Swahili? If you perceive instability, uncertainty, fear, etc., in the world, this I perceive also. The energy is one of continuous unpredictability and anxiety.
This is how change feels. However, within the uncomfortable, chaotic energy of change, are new energies, new frequencies that are the New Light, blueprints for a new reality, a new world, a new Earth. This is the energy that will become dominant. It is upon this energy that the new world will be built, is being built. In another 10 years it will have become the dominant energy. This is the energy of joy, peace, cooperation, a sense of one people, one planet, one love. It's driven by a sparkling joy of creation and evolution as a species. When you feel unsettled by what's going on around you, stop and find the new frequency, the New Light. Tune in. Ride its wave. Let yourself, your life, be guided by this New Light. Your life will attain a new shape. You will support its emergence. By your ability to tune into the new vibration, you will support others to tune in as well. This is how together we will bring into existence a world we've all wanted, humans have always wanted. Now is the time to have it. Be committed to training your eyes on this New Light of love, joy and creativity. Witness the change, but don't spend one moment believing that this is the way it is and the way it will be -- this is just the transitional energy. This is a time when we all become Spiritual Warriors. We are strong in the Light. We are strong in Love. We are strong in Joy. We are strong in our knowledge of Goodness and Grace. Most of all, we are strong in our strength. |
December 2024