I saw The Village a while ago, but it still comes to mind. Some might think it's hokey, but it has a powerful message. William Hurt and Sigourney Weaver are in it, so a good cast. I recommend it. I think most of us have gotten so busy and are feeling anxious and stressed all the time, to different degrees, that we simply no longer know what it's like to be relaxed and in a state of tremendous well being.
There is such a state of blissful well being that comes with delicious connectedness to our divine self. It's a condition of being in which your personality and your divine self are one. And act as one. Out that deep, blissful state of oneness arises action. And that action in the world will be very different from what only your personality would do. It will bring peace and fulfillment. Ultimately, that's the goal: beingness doing -- being a divine human, integrated -- spirit and matter. If you start on that journey, you will have to leave behind many of the rules and mandates of society. It's not an easy choice, nor an easy journey. However, sooner or later, we all will take it. If you're feeling frustrated, angry, overwhelmed, dissatisfied, that might be a sign you're far adrift from your true nature. It might be time to stop, rest, feel. Find out what's really important, what you really want, go for that, and let go the rest. It's a way to find peace. Okay, I admit it: I have no idea what to do when a girl calls and says something about talking to a guy and then she never heard from him again.
What am I supposed to do in that situations? What is the question? To me this requires no psychic reading. It's simple and obvious. He doesn't want to talk to you any more. Why? It's none of your business. Why are you trying to find out? That is your business. However, normally, a girl has zero interest in why she wants to know. Again, I've no idea what I'm supposed to do in that situation. Produce the guy? Track him down? Give her a reason why he's not communicating? None of that holds integrity on my part. Plain and simple: the man has a right to do as he pleases; he has a right to privacy. And the silly question of will I meet someone? Do you really need a psychic to tell you that? I'm not gonna even bother to address that. And other silly questions that presume things are fated: Will I travel? Another question that so annoys me I'm not gonna bother to address it. I wish these people with these sorts of questions would read information on my website before scheduling a session. End of vent. Mars One Mission, http://www.mars-one.com/, if you don't already know is the dream of the Dutchman Bas Lansdorp to establish a human settlement on Mars.
Humanity needs a common goal. It's in human nature to strive, to explore, to expand. Expansion into space is the natural next step for human evolution. We need this to stay alive and healthy as a race. Think about what would have happened if Christopher Columbus did not have a dream. Think of what we have today because he preserved with his dream. Please support the Mars One project through donation: http://www.mars-one.com/donate
Jane Roberts has channeled two books--world views of two artists--The World View of Paul Cezanne and The World View of Rembrandt.
From their point of view Cezanne and Rembrandt talk about their work and about the times in which they lived. If your'e an artist, these books are not to be missed. They give absolutely fascinating information and detailed insight about the artist's tools and techniques and their philosophies about art, the world and God. Absolutely fascinating, informative and insightful reading. |
December 2024