Listening to Pandora (Deuter station) and working on How You Create Your Reality. Ah, heaven!!
Then . . . a weight workout. Pandora on Club / Dance Ah, another heaven! It's been discouraging for me to discover in psychic readings stuff that is worked so hard in therapy that should be left alone.
For example the expression "emotionally available." In psychotherapy everyone is supposed to be emotionally available. If a person is not, there is something wrong with him. One of the rotten things about this is that psychotherapy, once again, reinforces the societal tendencies of sameness, whereas in reality we are all unique with dramatically diverse soul purposes. What I've discovered in doing readings is simple this. Some people relate emotionally, others don't. That's it. For some people, their next lesson is to expand their emotional capabilities, for others that is not their lesson. They are fine just as they are. Looking deeper at a couple's connection, if there is no fundamental unity, there is no point in working the surfaces, like communication. However, if there is a deep unity, then learning some skills is of benefit. I guess I'm disenchanted with psychotherapy with these findings in psychic readings and it's intrinsic lack of ability to discriminate in this regard, and can actually make a problem of a situation when there is no problem, and actually go into a situation of forcing a person to be and do something he is not -- potentially imitating childhood upbringing of force . . . . The Workings of Energy in the Human Energy Field: A Psychic's Perspective is now available on Amazon! Hurrah! And will be available in bookstores in a month or two. How You Create Your Reality: A Psychic's Perspective. Hurrah! It's going to be great! SO excited! You can tell by the exclamation points. I can't help myself, and hey, it's my blog and I can blog if I want to . . . (can you hear the music? :-)
The book will be available in a couple of weeks on Amazon. Hurrah!
More and more it seems my work is about helping people take that last step -- connection to divine self and establishment of divine self as the new self identity (rather than the ego).
So established, they will help bring the new consciousness on earth, and they will help others take the same step. Oh, SOOO very, very exciting!! Can't help but continually feel gratitude and a sense of extreme privilege to work in the territory of the sacred -- regularly watch people settle into the experience of their true selves, their divinity. Wow! It's seeing God manifest. Amazing!
January 2025