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If you're working on a project and get to a point where you just can't figure something out, or can't get the next idea, do what Sherlock Holmes has done: Leave the project and do something completely different. Go for a hike, see a movie, visit a friend, and so on.
When attention is too tightly on something as a way to find a solution, we start to block our creativity. Taking the focus off the project by doing something entirely different opens the channel again. Give the subconscious opportunity to work for you by coming up with solutions while you do something else. Sherlock Holmes tended to go to the opera :-) In psychic readings sessions often I see clients trying to break through a barrier. Something has ended or changed in their lives, and they want to make it the way it was. They keep trying, but things just don't work. For whatever reason, it doesn't occur to them to try something new. In fact, in doesn't occur to them them that maybe, just maybe, there is a better way, something better out there for them that's much more fulfilling than what they've had so far.
The lesson is if you keep trying and things don't open up, stop doing it. Look up. Look around. Try something else. Think--there is an opportunity here for me! Look and see where it is. Then go in that direction. We all do this. It's the easiest way to create a problem where there is no problem. You keep trying, wondering why it doesn't work. You see a therapist to help you make it work. Time passes, now you're moaning about how things didn't work out. You've built up a history of things not working out. Phew! Exhausting. When all along, it's not your path anyway, the path is elsewhere. So, if the road keeps being blocked after trying a few times, look for another road.
Found out about this website, Shoebox, where you can store all your photos for free--for viewing in low resolution; with the pro version you can view in high resolution. And you can download any time.
Good to know about, yes? It's Very Easy to Create Problems; Here is How Not to Do That, but Instead Create What You DO Want7/7/2014
By giving psychic readings I've noticed a habit most of us have: to dig deep to find out what's wrong as a way to get what we want.
It's good to identify what the problem is, but that's where the digging should end. After that, you look to see where you want to go. More digging will not get you what you want; focusing on where you want to go will. The way this works from an energy point of view is simple: where you focus is what will gain energy. So if you're focused on where you want to go, the energy builds up in that area. When you dig around to see what's wrong, the attitude that there is something wrong--which is the energy that will produce results--is not the energy with which to get what you want. Additionally, after you've discovered what's wrong, continuing to look there for what's right will not yield an answer. The energy just builds up around discovering problems. And that's how you discover problems, or make problems where there actually were no problems. So, a good approach is: 1. To notice what you're not liking. 2. Check to see what the problem is, or why this does not work for you. 3.Then ask yourself what you would like. Then focus all your attention and energy to take action on what you want. Along the way you will be met with emotions and thoughts about this thing that you want, and you handle those as they come up, and you keep moving toward that which you want. Easy! When you know how energy works. And, now that I've mentioned energy, I give a nice, succinct description about how energy works in my book The Workings of Energy in the Human Energy Field: A Psychic's Perspective. It's a quick read, but oh so very important. It's available in print, Kindle and audio. |
January 2025