![]() If you're self-publishing eventually you'll have to format your books so you can upload it to someplace like Ingram or Lulu. You can pay someone to format the book for you, or you can do it yourself. And you'll need a print file(PDF), as well as an ePub file. Most writers are not graphic designers and do not use programs like InDesign, Quark or Affinity Publisher to format books and create covers. I've learned to format my own books and create covers because I was creating guided meditations and just could not get the results I wanted from freelancers. I had discovered Affinity Publisher, Designer and Photo. These programs are really easy to use compared to programs like Quark, which I have also used long time ago when it was a lot simpler. And now I'm about to release my first science fiction novel and though I've formatted my Manifesting book in Affinity Publisher, I dreaded the idea of having to format my novel -- even though it's way easier to format a novel than a non-fiction book. So, feeling guilty, because I already had a program I could use to format, I searched for an easier way to do it. I could not believe such a thing actually existed but it does. It's called Atticus. Atticus is designed for writers! It's relatively new. You can use it to write your book -- which I will not do, Scrivener works really well for me -- and format it for print and eBook, outputting the ePub format which is what Ingram, and other publishers, require. I cannot believe how easy it is to use Atticus! Basically, you just input your book requirements: size, margins, font, etc., and it produces a PDF for print and an ePub document for eBooks. Shocking! It's easy and fast! After getting over my luck and shock and delight, I realized it would be easy to also use for non-fiction where there is a lot more complexity in formatting. It allows you to create headers and footers and import images! Atticus is evolving and growing. They are presently working on creating a section for plotting and will continue to develop it. Their goal is to make Atticus the only program you'll require to develop, write and format your books. If you're a writer and prefer to do your own formatting, Atticus is the solution, atticus.io.
![]() There are times when we are overwhelmed by a situation, our emotions running wild. We may be afraid, paralyzed, don't know what to do, can't think clearly enough to begin to look for a solution, a way out of the mess. This powerful guided meditation is for such times. It will help you: -- Calm down — Identify the problem clearly -- Open to receive divine love and guidance -- Get in touch with your power and strength — Put things in perspective — Become aware of the many options and resources you have available to you -- Identify steps to take right away to make things better -- Open to new possibilities for your life, a higher vision, a whole new level of being in the world The divine always wants the best for us. Hard times are big learnings that lead to more life fulfillment. Sometimes they are impetus for us to reevaluate our life and change course entirely. Know you will get through this. Divine Love is on your side. Breathe. Move your body as a way for emotions not to get stuck and cycle. Be kind and loving with yourself. There are answers. You will find them. You will get on the other side of this. Listen often. Each time you listen you will discover something new, understand the situation better, feel stronger, see more options, know what steps to take. The gentle voice of Jackie Affsa will guide you along with Thaddeus’ beautiful music. The guided meditation is about 33 minutes. About 15 minutes of just music follow. If you can, continue to listen as a way to stabilize the new energies. Headphones are recommended. A PDF and MP3 of How to Make Best Use of Guided Meditations Created by Zorica Gojkovic, Ph.D., are included. Available wherever you get your audiobooks. ![]() You’re all worked up. Your muscles are tight. You know you need to relax. And you do! With this guided meditation. When we are relaxed, we have a sense of well-being; we are centered; we think clearly, do better work; we make better decisions. Most of all, we are open and receptive to inner guidance. We start the meditation with simple body movements (while sitting), initiating the relaxation process — moving our attention from the outside world to ourselves and our inner world. Next, we go deeper by becoming aware of how we are doing, noticing if there is anything we need or want giving us the opportunity to take action to take care of ourselves. We breathe, nice slow breaths. Then we relax each part of our body, going into deeper relaxation. We complete by entering a state of deep divine peace. The gentle voice of Jackie Affsa will guide you, along with Thaddeus’ beautiful music. The meditation is about 17 minutes. About 13 minutes of just music follow. If you can, continue to listen as a way to continue to relax and stabilize the new energies. Headphones are recommended. Available on auidiobooks.com, Google audiobooks and elsewhere. Everything about you exists as energy in the human aura, the human energy field. Your thoughts exist as energy, as do your feelings and your past, and many other aspects of your being. The main two energies are your human experience and your divine identity. We are divine energy. We cannot separate ourselves from who we are. We always have access to our divine wisdom. However, when there is an abundance of thoughts and emotions and when those become dominant, they occlude perception and the divine. One of the purposes of meditation is to help us move away from the human experience and into a space of being in the divine. In the divine, there is peace, love, joy, security, a sense of permanency without fear and anxiety. When we work through our human troubles, we automatically become more of who we are in truth, boundless beings of light journeying through eternity. When we are going through hard times, if we persevere in learning what there is to learn from the situation -- and sometimes it may take us a while to move to looking at the whole thing from that perspective -- we will rise above it and into a bigger truth, a bigger reality, greater understanding of the situation. That's the fastest way to go through hard times, face the thing directly and see what you need to understand, how you need to change, what you need to see. At other times we're just feeling low, in a funk, slumping around and that is a good time to see some comedy. Laughter has the amazing ability to change our energy and lift us up. Suddenly, we are alive again. If something has troubled us, we suddenly see it as not such a big deal. We are refreshed, re-energized and can get into life again with verve. Of course, if there is a deeper problem, we will have a good break from our difficulty. Not dwelling on the problem, gives our higher self an opportunity to orchestrate solutions to present to us when, feeling better, we'll be in a receptive state of mind. So, make sure you laugh, one way or another -- with friends, seeing a live comedy show or even seeing a show online, like the one I have for you below. I think you'll like it. We all make decisions all the time. And there are times when it is really hard to decide. You may do the old left and right column, the pros and cons, process. That can work many times. At other times after going through that process, you may still feel undecided.
We can use our rational mind to analyze the situation as a way to figure out the best way forward. We are also aware of our emotions around the decision, and we can list those. And, still, neither may offer a resolution as to what to do, which option to choose. When neither the mind nor the emotions offer a way forward something else may be happening. The emotions you are feeling about the situation may stem from childhood programing, not your authentic self. Childhood programing offers limited options, lets us feel and see only what was allowed in childhood. The reality is many more options are available that you cannot perceive from childhood programming. If this is happening, you need to become aware of your deeper truth, your soul truth. If childhood was difficult, many times we were simply not allowed to feel our feelings, know our deepest truth. What we usually feel is feelings of reaction to our difficult situation, not our deepest truth. In order to make a decision that feels right, we have to feel our deepest soul truth. We have to get honest to the core. That can be difficult. Talking to someone you trust may be a way to feel safe enough to feel your deepest feelings, feel your deepest truth. There are many reasons why you would not want to feel your deepest truth. If you did, you'd be acting in a way that's best for you -- and that wasn't allowed growing up. Knowing your deepest truth can be scary because you might realize you have to do things that are difficult. Doubt comes up; are you sure you really want to do this? You'd be stepping into a whole new world acting on your own behalf, your own best interests -- and that wasn't allowed in childhood. Childhood programing is all about keeping you where you always were, what was allowed for you to feel, be and do. You weren't allowed go grow past that allowable limit. Knowing this, you move forward, anyway, supporting yourself in living your truth and seeking help when you need to stay on the journey of becoming your true self, authentic self, soul self. So, when you are trying to make a decision and no choices seem right, look deeper, see if you can find a deeper truth. Giving it a little time helps. Your soul self will come in and help you see more deeply. And talking to someone you trust and with whom you feel safe will also help. If you can, hold off on choosing something just to choose. If you're not excited and feel freed by the choice, wait. Go deeper. Find your deepest truth and then move forward. ![]() Some of us were never told we can have a great life. No one said, “You can have a wonderful life! I believe in you! You can be happy. You can be fulfilled. You can be successful. You can prosper . . . .” So, we live what was allowed—without even being aware we are doing so. We stumble along as if under a dark cloud that seems to press down on us. We see other people living a great life, but deep down we believe that will never happen for us. Usually we are not aware of this belief. But we do feel its effects: anger, frustration, depression, discontent, and so on. We struggle. Of course it is not true that you can’t have a great life. And you can begin to know this truth right now and begin to change everything. You ARE allowed to have all wonderful things in life! You can thrive and prosper. You can have joy and happiness. You can experience love in all its forms. You can have a great life! These affirmations are based on the assumption that you never believed you were allowed to live a happy, fulfilled life. Not being encouraged, we didn’t know we were even allowed. A set of affirmations will repeat for a total of 31 minutes. Just music follow for about 6 minutes Listen to the affirmations as often as you can. Repetition is good. It will begin to open you up, create an aura around you, and your life will begin to change. The beautiful voice of Moxie LaBouche will support you in creating a wonderful life for yourself, along with beautiful music. The entire track is about 38 minutes. Available wherever you get your audio books. We call it healing, but what it really is us giving up our limited human understanding of things and attaining a larger understanding, a bigger truth.
Our human personality has its human beliefs, ideas, thoughts, feelings, etc. -- based on human perception. Our soul self, our divine self, has a larger view, a higher understanding. Much of the time we suffer because we see things only from our human perspective. Once we see those very same things from the soul perspective, our suffering changes, goes away, or is in some way transformed. My guided meditations are designed to always move you in the direction of perception from your soul self, your divine self where you will find freedom and power. The first time I saw the human energy field, the human aura was when I started giving psychic readings.
The aura is the energy part of ourselves. Whatever is in the aura, that is our reality, our life, our identity. So, what's in the aura is really important to our health and happiness. If we change our energy, change our aura, we can change our daily life. So, in a psychic reading session I saw how energy operated in the aura; how it related to the person's thoughts and emotions; their physical body; daily life; history; soul self; and how it related to what was outside the person's aura. All these various energies are in constant motion in the aura influencing and effecting each other. The person's problems in the present, originating in childhood are plainly evident as energy. The person's relationship to the divine is also plain to see. If you imagine yourself in a helicopter flying above a city watching the traffic flow -- that's pretty close to what I see when I look at a person's aura. From above, in the helicopter, you could easily see how the traffic would flow better. It's the same when I give psychic readings. In seeing the flow of energy, I can say to the client, if you do this and this, your energy flow would improve, that is, your problem would get better, hopefully go away. I started creating guided meditations as a way to regulate the traffic flow, regulate the energy in the aura. From my perspective, this is very easy to do -- once you understand how energy operates and once you understand what is going on in the person's aura, you can apply the solution. It's the same as with all healing modalities. Each one has a different solution. The medical doctor will give you a pill. A naturopath will suggest a number of things to do to get your life into balance. A therapist will apply their remedy, according to their training. I've come to apply guided meditations as a remedy. It offers healing at the core, where most problems originate. Once I saw how energy operated in the human energy field, I immediately started applying that information in my own life. Not long after that, I created the guided meditation called Healing Core Energies. Most of my clients' present-life challenges originated in childhood. Those energies needed to be addressed and healed as a way for their present challenge to be resolved. I used Healing Core Energies many, many times as a way to heal my own childhood issues. I found it more effective than any therapy I have ever experienced, except Core Energetics. Since that first healing guided meditation, I have created many other meditations to serve various purposes. Basically, I identify the problem as energy and the guided meditation is designed to address and solve the problem -- on the energy level. Once it's solved on the energy level, it will manifest itself on the material plane, as the problem no longer existing. ![]() Do events in the past pain you? You have regrets? You wish you said something different, did something different? You wish you took action instead of doing nothing? The purpose of this guided meditation is to heal those painful memories. You will be guided to look closely at the incident, come to know the cause, the reason you couldn't do what you now wish you did or didn't do. You will learn a lot about yourself, perhaps touch on childhood/core issues. You will be given the opportunity to see the incident from the perspective of Divine Intelligence. The more you listen, the deeper you will go, gain greater understanding of the situation, yourself, and the larger Reality. Listen until you come to a place of peace. By making the effort to heal, you will be taking a gigantic, important step in your growth. You will create more room for joy, love, peace and expansion. You will assure health and well-being on all levels. In life, we do the best we know how given who we are at the moment. We are learning and growing. And that's how it's supposed to be. The Divine loves us exactly as we are with no criticism, only acceptance and compassion. You will be encouraged to love yourself. The comforting voice of Dawn McLelland will guide you along with beautiful music. The guided meditation is about 28 minutes. 10 minutes of just music follow. If you can, continue to listen as a way to settle the energies. Headphones are recommended. INCLUDED: -- A two-minute Introduction to the guided meditation. Narrated by Dawn McLelland. -- MP3 & PDF file, How to Make Best Use of Guided Meditations Created by Zorica Gojkovic, Ph.D. -- Moxie LaBouche narrator. To get the most out of any guided meditation, it is important to be able to feel deeply and have the vocabulary to name those feelings. You can download a list of feeling words on the author's website. Available wherever you purchase audiobooks. |
January 2025