I am really excited to be back in Marin and seeing clients for sessions.
Since I've sent the notice about the sessions, what keeps coming to mind and what touches my heart is the trust that's invested in me by my clients. It is the most wonderful, wonderful feeling to be trusted. I know I am trustworthy, but to have it so abundantly bestowed upon me makes me feel blessed all over. It's love in yet another form. I am very grateful. In my psychic reading practice I see young women struggling with a relationship. They're generally miserable and exhausted from the effort. And what I see psychically is no amount of effort can help because of differing values. One partner has one definition of the nature of reality, purpose in life, goals in life, direction in life. The other partner has very different views. One example is when one partner is on a spiritual path, their whole goal in life to expand in consciousness, and the other partner's goals are to succeed at work and attain material things. You can't change a person's values. Who they are, what's important to them, their goals and ambitions are exactly the path that they should be on. It's right for them. It's a path where they can best learn what they came here to learn. To argue values, to argue paths is futile. There can be no compromise. Because each compromise is a major sacrifice of values for the person. And that's not a compromise. My recommendation for a harmonious relationship is to aim to meet someone who shares your values and goals. When the couple shares values it's easy to negotiate difficult situations because their aims are the same. Compromise is not about giving up values. If you're struggling in your relationship with no apparent way out, maybe you need to think about your values and take appropriate action from there. Often in psychic reading sessions I see young women (usually), who are interested in a man who is not interested in them. They want to know why he isn't interested in them. Why doesn't he do this? Why doesn't he do that? What does he mean by this? When he does that or this or the other, what does it mean?
Women spend a huge amount of time, it appears, wondering why the man they're interested in is not behaving the way they want them to. The answer to that is simple: he just isn't and there is nothing you can do about it. Accept it. If he tells you he's not interested. If he's not calling. If he's skirting the issue, saying he wants to be friends . . . And you keep pushing! Stop. He's already told you. He's not interested. Respect his wishes. You would not want a guy to force you into a relationship with him. You would not want to be hassled with why you didn't call him, why you didn't do this or that, corned to explain your every word, every action -- so don't do that to him. Whatever he says, hear it. Honor it. Respect it. And behave accordingly. It will make life easier for you and for him. Valentine's day is coming and I am offering psychic readings to couples at special rates.
You can come to see me with anyone that's important in your life. This could be a romantic partner, a child, a sibling, mother, father, or friend. The psychic reading will give you more understanding of each other, the way each of you operate in the world. It will also identify childhood tendencies that present themselves in the relationship and cause discord. The greatest value of a couple's psychic reading is that it will clarify the mysterious elements in the relationship--why certain things are the way they are, why they persist, and why it's been difficult to bring about changes. Take advantage of this special offer. Email or call to set up an appointment. A psychic reading is a great gift to give to friends and family and to yourself!
This year I have very special rates. Purchase in Shop of Inspirations. For family and friends in town, purchase In-person Sessions. For those out of town, purchase Phone/Skype Sessions. And don't forget couples. Give a gift certificate for a couple's reading to your favorite couple, or use it yourself for a reading with your mom, dad, sibling, or friend. A gift of a psychic reading is always a good idea regardless if the person is facing challenges or looking for an expanded, inspiring understanding of their life.
In Shop of Inspiration you can choose gift certificates for in-person sessions as well as sessions by phone or Skype. Couples Psychic readings are available also. The couple would need to come to the office. In-person or phone/Skype sessions are equally excellent.
I give psychic readings to couples. In a couple's reading both people come in together. Given the energies in their aura, I can see how they think about each other and what childhood energies are still active.
What I wanted to write about today is what is common with couple's: each person in the relationship is waiting for the other to do something to make the relationship better. Meanwhile, both people are focused on what they perceive as the flaws in the other person, and the general unsatisfactoriness of the relationship. When I first saw these attitudes in a reading, I was appalled; there was simply no way to make things better with those postures. It's a situation where you beat something up to make it better. There is no way this can work. The answers that arose in readings is to make the decision to actively bring into the relationship love, joy, fun, play, creativity, harmony, goodness, respect, gratitude, appreciation, etc. To make it a responsibility to bring to the relationship the highest vibration and to continually have the intention that your own vibration is increasing, therefore you have the potential to bring into the relationship ever-greater goodness, joy, light . . . In giving psychic readings I have automatically defaulted to holding each person in the highest regard--I see the soul, and when you see the soul there is nothing but the highest respect, highest regard; I am always inclined to bow to the light of each being. In relationship I see that's what has to be the foundation, the bowing to the light, the divinity of the person. This does not mean that "problems" and challenges do not exist on the human level, it just means you approach handling them differently. You can choose to be creative with whatever challenges you are facing, coming to them with the knowledge that all challenges are there to expand consciousness; they are meant to be solved and, therefore, can be solved. So there is no reason for fear. Coming to the challenges with good will and the intention to grow to higher consciousness through this vehicle of this challenge, you are pretty much assured of success. If you make it a focus to bring all the joy, goodness, light, love, kindness . . . to the relationship, you will be amazed how quickly your relationship will start to feel like the one you wanted--but expected the other person to create. At the core of this is you yourself accepting a wonderful relationship, believing in yourself that you can, indeed, experience this much joy and happiness in a relationship. So saying yes to this first, is the beginning. And saying yes to this joy and light is saying yes to All That Is/God. And when we do that, we are at One. And that's what all of us really want because it is there we find peace and joy that is of the permanent peace and joy of our Creator and truly fulfills.
I have seen individuals in session moving forward into their highest truth, their soul expression, but recently had the first experience of where a family, as a unit, was seeking truth.
It was fascinating because they moved as a unit and each member and the playground, the territory of evolution, had to all be adjusted and all pieces moved forward in unison--all seeking light, the light being the homing device. It was truly wonderful to behold. This young family, I believe, is the first wave of what families will look like in the future. Feel so grateful to have witnessed this sacred evolution. |
August 2024