From the Blog by John Van Auken on the Edgar Cayce Website. ". . . when he [Edwin Blumenthal] asked Cayce how he could put his finances in order so that he could devote his life to psychic development The answer indicated that the greater development comes from using one’s intuition and psychic abilities to solve one’s financial or any material needs. In this way we merge the outer self and its needs with the inner self and its higher abilities to perceive from a truer level of consciousness. '(Q) How can he [137] put his finances in such a condition as to permit him to concentrate to his greatest possibility on his psychic development? (A) Be not dismayed, for the development in psychic forces must manifest in and through the present conditions, and conditions physical, financial, must of necessity be one and a part of the development. As is given in this: In whatsoever state one finds (as he has found himself) oneself, make self content; not satisfied, but content, ever working toward that oneness of mind (of body, of will, with the development), or universal, or psychic forces. Do not war against these conditions. Make of conditions the stepping-stones to the development necessary to meet the daily needs in physical, in mental, in financial. (Reading 137-7)'" Edgar Cayce Organization: Edgar Cayce’s ARE 215 67th Street Virginia Beach, VA 23451 Local Phone: 757-428-3588 Toll-Free Phone: 800-333-4499
We hear a lot about the need to forgive people. For sure, it takes away our own anger and pain, but there is something else, perhaps more important about the need to forgive. In this video Penny Wittbrodt talks about what happens when we have nasty thoughts about people. Basically, our nasty thoughts reach the person. They attach themselves to the person. They reinforce the person being who he/she already is. This is about as bad as it gets. Instead of helping them move out of their condition, we are assuring they stay as they are. I have felt this in my own life, but did not identify it so clearly. For me it was the way my family thought about me. I felt their thoughts -- and could not seem to shed them. They were like slime attached to me, encasing me, giving me no room to breathe. And I had that sense of wanting to brush them off -- the thoughts -- off me, shake them off, but since I wasn't totally aware of what was happening I could not consciously do anything about it. I've also seen this in one particular psychic reading session. The young man came from a family that was very strict. They wanted him to be a certain way, do what they thought was right for me, and so on. I clearly saw that energy around his head. It was strong. It absolutely limited what he could even think, let alone do in his life. At this moment I don't know what is best to do with this new, broader understanding. But I do know that we can have nasty thoughts -- mostly because we can't help ourselves -- BUT what we CAN do with them is think them, then consciously make the intent that it not reach the person. Even our becoming aware of the thought as hurting someone, can be enough for it not to reach the person. I am hoping that with a little time, I will know more and have even better solutions for this ubiquitous problem that does nothing for either making our lives better or the lives on the planet. By the way, in my experience and understanding, she was not talking to God, she was talking to her higher self.
Many of the problems we have in life, health and otherwise, would not happen -- as I've seen it in psychic readings sessions -- if we only stopped and sorted out what's troubling us and find solutions.
Unresolved issues linger in the aura and create confusion. It's hard to think clearly. Out of that confusion, it's difficult to make good decisions. This sets up a situation where bad decisions upon bad decisions can be made because the base from which we are making them gives inaccurate information as to our condition, our needs, wants, soul desires. Most of us are too busy with life to take the time to sort out how we really feel, what we really think, what we really want, what is important to us. A lot of times we have an unconscious belief that we can't have what we really want, so we avoid feeling. We avoid taking an inventory of what we really want convinced we can never have it, so why feel the pain, yet again, about knowing our true feelings and desires. However, there are solutions to everything. When we stop to be with ourselves, we can find resolution to our concerns; we can discover how we can move forward on our desires or simply discover some deeper truth that will clarify as to why certain things are the way they are or why you really did not want what you thought you wanted. In other words, you will always, in some way, resolve that which is troubling you. To stay healthy, happy, fulfilled, we need information about ourselves so we can take appropriate action for our lives. This is where guided meditations can make all the difference. If you've never taken advantage of them, I encourage you to give them a try. There are literally endless benefits to using guided meditations to help you with your life. Here is a list of the ways they can be of tremendous support and assistance. Some of the topics I talk about will overlap, but that's okay, it will be easier for you to see the breadth and depth to which guided meditations are of support. Seeing how energy operates in the aura and realizing how my clients suffered unnecessarily so much of the time, is what inspired me to create guided meditations to help all of us stay healthy and happy. Get Clear We have busy lives. There are always decisions to be made. It's easy to feel overwhelmed and confused. What that looks like in the aura will astound you. The way I see this in psychic readings is your aura full of thoughts -- but going nowhere; clouds of emotions of all kinds resulting from indecisions, confusion, worry, anxiety, fear and such. Basically your aura is cluttered. What that means is that all that stuff weighs you down. By their presence all these thoughts and emotions make it difficult for your divine self to be present; it makes it harder for divine energies to come through. It's important that divine energies can come through easily because they support every aspect of your health. Unfocused thoughts and emotions of this type make it hard for the divine to come through meaning you are not naturally being healed and recharged. Resolving worries and concerns will automatically clear your aura and allow the divine to revitalize you. You will feel lighter and have more energy. Relax It's rarely that we take time during a busy day to simply relax, come back to our divine self. Yet, in doing so will immediately not only refresh us, give us more energy, put us in a better mood, but also easily clarify priorities, focus us to do what's important and drop the unimportant. We spin our wheels giving time and energy to things we don't really care about. Or we get distracted and our time is taken up with neither productivity nor refreshment. Usually we're too busy to notice what we are doing. Take time, listen to a guided meditation, relax. The minute you relax, lots of things become very clear. You have energy. You are clear. You are inspired. You maintain your health. Solve Problems We all face "problems" in life, of course. How we deal with them will either make things easier for us or harder. I know I have the habit, as many of us do, to cycle the problem in my head. For some reason, it doesn't occur to me -- naturally -- to go after the solution! Crazy, I know. You'd think that's what we'd all automatically do, is see the problem, go after a solution. But many of us don't do that. What we do, instead, is just think about it. Usually we go through various things: we can't believe this is happening; we say to ourselves -- repeatedly -- I don't know what I'm going to do; we talk to ALL our friends about the problem, repeating it to each one. Generally, none of this moves us toward a solution. In the aura, this is a stagnant state. Energy is not moving. What is important about this is that energy has to move. If it doesn't move, it cycles in on itself. It can become destructive. So, the energy is available for us to discover solutions, it's just that we are not using it that way. Instead, we are using the energy to strengthen the problem. In the aura what that looks like is thought forms upon thought forms are piled up, as are emotions. They serve nothing. They just make the energy more dense making it harder to go forward for a solution or have any clarity on what the problem really is. The best thing to do, of course, is move toward finding a solution, as soon as possible. So, when you have a problem, sure, feel the emotions, know all your thoughts, talk to friends -- that may help you understand the problem better, if you choose to do that. Then, do about face, look forward, direct your attention, give all your focus toward finding a solution. A guided meditation can easily help you get clear on what the problem really is. It will help you gain all kinds of awareness about how you really feel, what you really want and so on. That information in itself will automatically move you along toward a solution. Solving your problem as soon as possible will keep you from staying in that painful rut. Again, it will keep you healthy and happy. Make Decisions As with problems, we all have to make decisions about all kinds of things in life. And we can do the same thing as we do with problems, cycle them. We can keep saying to ourselves, I don't know what to do. Saying that to yourself only makes it so. You're undermining your intrinsic ability to make good decisions for your life. Listening to a guided meditation can clarify your situation, clarify what's important to you, to your life and move you along in either making a decision or realizing there is a whole other option available of which you weren't aware because you were focused on saying to yourself you didn't know what to do. In all our efforts to overcome challenges in life, our divine self always helps. When we are aware that our divine self automatically does this, we can intentionally open to receive the guidance. Many times when with our thoughts, our ego self, we think we have only two choices, and we can't seem to get off that problem, it's because there is either a third solution, or you've not identified the situation correctly and you're thinking you need to decide something when an entirely different things is happening. A guided meditation can help you get clear. In a calm state of mind, your divine self can come in with suggestions. So, stopping to really asses your situation can make all the difference in how long you stay with the confusion of indecision or move forward into opportunities. Calm Down In our busy day we can become anxious, stressed, afraid. You don't have to stay in that state of being! You can stop, calm down and reconnect to your divine self. Feeling anxious, stressed and afraid does not only feel horrible, but it freezes the energy making it difficult to perceive opportunities, solutions, resources, all the goodness available in life. It's beneficial to get back to calm as soon as you can. Reestablishing a calm state of being as soon as possible creates a habit and a new normal as a state of calm and peace rather than stress and anxiety. So, don't let the anxiety, stress and fear go on and on, in some way stop, re-group, get back to calm, to your authentic self and to the resources available in a calm state of being. Of course, guided meditations are perfect for this. Connect with the Divine You can consciously use guided meditations to cultivate an ever-expanding connection to your divine self. In seeking this connection, you're aiming to be the divine human that you are. What does that mean? It means you move from living from your ego self, your human personality to living from your divine soul truth. What are the benefits? Your human self understands and sees only so much. It makes decisions based on what it sees; this is not the deepest truth of your being. That means that the choices that we make may or may not be for our highest good, may or may not further us on the path of fulfillment our actualization of our life purpose. When we are connected to our divine self and our decisions come from that truth, we are on the path of health, fulfillment and peace. So, aspiring to make an ever-expanding connection with your divine self, making the intention to more and more hear its guidance, easily and effortlessly leads to not only a more fulfilling life, but a life where you no longer feel alone and lonely. You are deeply settled into the larger Life where there is peace and love and joy. Know Your Deepest Soul Truth When we're not at ease. When something is niggling at us. When we can't rest. When we feel an unidentifiable disquiet, there is information of which we are unaware, probably important information. If you're feeling like this, it's good to stop and discover what is going on. Usually you are feeling things you are not aware. Other times, you need something, but aren't aware of it. Or something is troubling you that you had "resolved" with your ego mind, but it's not really resolved. At those times, just quite down, be with yourself, see what you are feeling and thinking. Become aware of your body. Your body always knows and will tell you the truth. Once you have the information, you can take action to take care of whatever it is you need to take care of or perhaps you will gain important awareness about something and that information will get you back to peace. Of course, a guided meditation is perfect for bringing to awareness our unconscious material. Anything unconscious, when it becomes conscious will instantly set you free and make more energy available. Unconscious ties up a ton of energy, weighing you down, making you irritable and restless. Resolving all of that, once again, will bring you back to ease and health. Create: Qualities, Material Things, Conditions Guided meditations will help you create what you want. If you're unhappy with any aspect of your life, you can use guided meditations to make changes. Maybe you're missing love in your life or peace and would really like to create that. Maybe you're impatient and want to become more patient. Or perhaps you have an unsatisfying home environment and desperately need to change it. Or maybe you want something material but are convinced there is no way you can have it. Guided meditations can help you create what you need and want. The way they work is first by making you aware of what your really want. Sometimes we really don't know that until we get really quiet and go really deep. Next, they make you aware of the you feel and think about what you want. They help you identify obstacles to having what you want. In becoming aware of the obstacles, you can feel relieved, first of all about knowing them. When they were unconscious, they were just a heavy thing that made something impossible. In knowing the obstacles, they are immediately rendered non-obstacles, or you will know what action you need to take to get what you want. I would encourage you to become aware what is lacking in your life, what is troubling you so you can change it. There is no reason to live with discontent!! Take action. And the first action is to become aware of what exactly is troubling you or what you need and want. Our divine self wants us to be happy and fulfilled. It will help us become so. Your part is in choosing to become aware of your discontents and choosing to change them, move forward to a lightness of being. Additionally, here I want to mention my book Manifesting: A Planning System for Visual, Creative & Spiritual People. I wrote that book to help all of us create what we want, change unhappy life conditions, bring in qualities and strengthen our connection to our divine self. It is a system of creating based on how I see energy working in the aura. It will help you create what you want. It is available in print, as an e-book and as an audio book -- at any of your favorite retailers. Heal Relationships When I was in graduate school I was in the deans office. We ended up chatting. I'll never forget what he said -- life is all relationships -- much to my dismay since I wasn't a big people person. And it is true. Everywhere we are dealing with people and relationships. And those interactions can make our life more pleasant or unpleasant. Using guided meditations for two reasons, to heal childhood issues present in your relationships, especially romantic relationships can make your life a whole lot better and more pleasant. Dealing as soon as possible with whatever difficulty you might be having with people in general or a specific person like a boss at work or family member can pull you out of that miserable state of Oh, no I have to talk to . . . see . . . and into clarity not only about what troubles you about them, but also information as to how you can make things better. Guided mediations help you get clarity. They can trace your issues to childhood and can help you heal. They can make you aware of what is really going on with you. Then you can take action to make changes. Since life is relationships healing old material and as soon as possible and resolving any troubling interactions, can make your life a lot more pleasant and satisfying. Heal Childhood Issues Many of our present-day difficulties come from our childhood. What worked in childhood, as a coping mechanism in difficult situations, does not work in adulthood. It gets in the way making relationships difficult, as well as many other things, work, career, money and so on. Healing childhood issues can make life today a whole lot easier and more fulfilling. Guided meditations can help you heal. I've created a few guided meditations to heal the past. These guided meditations I recommend only for people who have a lot of experience with self-healing. They are challenging. And you need to be able to handle that. Otherwise, seeing a good body-centered therapist is the way to go. All in all guided meditations can help you with any aspect of your life, either to heal deep childhood issues; gain awareness about problems and decisions; help you create what you want in life; attain spiritual mastery and power, and help you actualize your soul potential by continually supporting you to expand your connection with your divine self. If you want to stay healthy and happy, take time for yourself to be by yourself. Give yourself the opportunity for health and happiness. You can hear samples of all my guided meditations under the Book a Session/Shop tab on the website.
I am excited to announce special rates for the Holidays -- through January 31, 2019 -- back to the original rates when I first started giving psychic readings:
30-60 min/$100; 60-90 min/$150; 90-120 min/$200 I wish you a wonderful healthy, happy and prosperous 2019! I am happy to announce that I will be in San Rafael at the end of June and the beginning of July giving psychic readings.
Come in for an individual session, or come in with a significant other (spouse, parent, child, friend), for a Couple's Psychic Reading. If you're a writer and would like some input, a combination of psychic reading and writing information can be of great benefit. You can schedule using my online booking calendar or call me (415-578-4495) or email me to schedule. Oh, what fun! SO looking forward to seeing everyone :-)
December 2024