Recently a friend told me her brother was "diagnosed" with a certain disease and that, instead of being dismayed, the brother seemed to manifest an attitude of even joyful acceptance. It made me think how it's just too easy to accept limitations of every kind. Apparent limitations are opportunities to expand into higher consciousness and more spiritual power, not to resign, shrink, get smaller.
No matter what the "disease" it's not a final determination by any means. From what I see (from doing readings), the best possible stance is to seek an expansion of the soul through that lens. To sink deeply into what is as a way to move trough it into more light, expanded consciousness, spiritual power. When I look at the person in a reading, see their energy field, what I see is energies of intention. These are combined with the purpose of the soul. None of it is fixed. Energies generated by the person are flexible. Energies exerted by soul purpose have parameters, but the means of its expression are limitless. Furthermore, if a person attains a high level of spiritual understanding, even those will change. In other words, the personality did so well, it went beyond the soul's intentions for this existence. Repeatedly in readings I see we are soooo much more than we think we are. Our potential way beyond what we think possible. Most people do not have their eyes set on the potential, but look at the obstacles and stay fixated there. The best possible stance, from what I see, is to continually use the reference point of the potential, not the reference point of the limitation. When you have that stance, there is a sense of freedom, a sense of airiness around everything you do, around your life, around possibilities and life feels easier and freer. That's when you're not only supporting your life here on earth, but also supporting your soul growth. This is what I would encourage. Comments are closed.
December 2024