It's a great world we live in, quite a distance from our Puritan ancestors and that does not mean we get to do bad things, bad things being: lying, stealing, cheating, engaging in greed, hatred, ill will, etc., and expecting to have good results, a happy life.
People, not too many I am glad to say, come for readings wanting this solution: they're engaged in some nasty activity and they want me to tell them how they can feel good about it. And actually get angry when I can't. Stop doing the bad thing, and you'll feel good! Years ago I read some books by Dr. Laura Schlessinger and on her radio show she was constantly having to deal with these people. Her attitude was one of rage and incredulity. And I feel the same. How did it come to pass that we believe we have the right to do nasty stuff and have good things come out of it? Where is conscience? Where is God? Let alone some basic respect for people, life, ourselves? Bottom line, this is the equation: you do bad things, you get bad things. And the only way bad things stop happening to you, the turmoil goes away, is when you stop doing the bad things. And no one can do the stopping for you--not even a psychic--you have to do it yourself. Usually when the pain and suffering and confusion become unbearable is when the person begins to contemplate that maybe some change needs to happen within them, but often not even then. I have a friend who works as a volunteer at a woman's clinic for cancer patients. She works with a healing modality. Her conclusion, after years of work with these women: Even though they are dying, they are filled with hatred and refuse to acknowledge that any of their hatred has anything to do with anything about them--in their eyes they've done nothing wrong; it's the other people. Yes, people would rather die than change. You get to choose. Life becomes a lot easier when you start thinking of yourself as the generator of a lot that happens to you. Not only can things change then, but you start to experience the joy of creating ever-more wonderful experiences. Choose the good stuff. You'll have to eventually, anyway, if not in this life, then in another. Why wait? Comments are closed.
January 2025