It's pretty obvious it's an intense time on the planet. A lot of uncertainty. Everyone's center of being is brought into question. Certainly I sense tremendous fear. People are on edge. Feeling so threatened, we are inclined to react.
And here is the lethal part: without noticing, that's all we do, react to situations that threaten us. Pretty soon we are in the mix of anger, hate, revenge, manipulating people and situations to our own ends, to secure our safety and that which we want. We are now adding to the problem. Worse yet, we have become the very thing we have been fighting! All without noticing what we have been doing and what we have now become. I remember long time ago when the movie Caligula came out. Caligula as a ruler was reputed to be insane. The movie slowly draws us into his insanity. As the movie continued, I noticed I had become immune to the insanity and was accepting it as sanity. It was a gigantic lesson in how easy it is to be drawn into darkness without ever noticing. I think we are in these kinds of times where there is a lot of darkness in the world and we are scared, we want to fight it as a way to avoid it. Here's the thing: you can't fight darkness. If you try, you become darkness. What do you do? You stay strong in the light. This takes huge amounts of awareness and effort. Not to react, not to get embroiled in the arguments, the unfairness, the revenge, etc. Yet, there is no other way. To create light, we have to be the light. We have to desist from reacting and act constructively by holding the truth, holding the light, being the sanity in the world as it tumbles through its insanity. So, how do you do this? You do it daily in the small things. Being aware in the moment. And holding the truth in the moment is where our strength lies. Today, choose to pay attention, stay aware, don't react, act constructively by staying in truth and light. Comments are closed.
January 2025