We all have times in our life when things feel stale, aren't working any longer, but we have no idea what to do next. We may try to make changes, look into different possibilities, and come up with nothing.
At this point it's easy to start wondering what's wrong with us, how come we can't figure it out, and so on. Yet, in every person's life there is a time when things are in a sort of holding pattern, where the air is still, nothing is moving, we're adrift, without rudder, without direction. This time is a time of transition. We're moving from one phase of our life to another. Between those two phases is a sort of nowhere land -- or it's how it can feel to us. However, what's really happening is things are being prepared on the inner levels. At this time, the inner being is orchestrating people, events, places to bring together the new phase. It takes time. Everyone and everything has to be in position. Meanwhile, for us, what's there to do? The main thing not to do is blame ourselves, expect a quick something, force anything to happen that does not feel genuinely appropriate. The thing to do is be patient, do exactly what's before us in the best possible way with the best attitude we can muster. The most important thing to do is pay attention. Notice anything new, any feeling, idea, thought, unusual development and give it consideration. It may hold a clue to what we need to learn, change, understand, that will grow us into the next phase. While the inner self is preparing the next phase on the inner levels, on the outer levels we are called to strengthen our spiritual qualities and learn whatever there is to learn as a way to embody the energy that's coming. In other words we're transforming through the vehicle of whatever is present in our normal, everyday life. This is why it's so important to pay attention to what's exactly in front of us. It's a hard time. We don't know what's going on. We don't know the new path. We don't know where we're going. But it's of vital importance that we prevail with a good attitude. The good attitude is the means through which the new can emerge faster and with a higher energy. Patience, fortitude, trust, faith, hope, love -- hold on to these and soon there will be signs of a new direction, a the beginning of the new phase and a new you operating on a new level of consciousness with bigger opportunities and more satisfaction and fulfillment. Comments are closed.
December 2024