I've said this often and can't say it enough. No matter what anyone says about you, if it does not resonate as true for you, simply forget about it. Do this especially with authority figures: doctors, therapists, lawyers, teachers, parents . . . .
At any given point in time you know yourself best. You will not miss anything by listening to them and ignoring yourself, ignoring what your gut tells you, efforting to take in something or do something that does not feel right. If it's really your lesson, it will come to you again to learn it, hopefully in a better opportunity. With Freud we've entered a new era of psychotherapy, the assessment of why the human being is what she is. In my opinion, we've not gotten very far since. Worst of all, so much of what is out there in general information, psychotherapy, medicine, etc., is either false or misleading. Just enough to do plenty of damage -- instead of help, as it is supposed to do. This is especially true for people who tend to be different from the majority of folks. There is pressure there to do it like the rest of them, be like the rest of them, and, yes, even in our rather enlightened age, the conviction that some authority out there knows better than the individual. I think back on all the many authority figures, especially therapists, who were simply neither educated enough, healed enough or evolved enough to help me and instead did damage. I especially remember one who in couple's therapy asked us to look at each other and report what we saw. Well, I came back with "I see myself." The mocking I got for that I am sure made his day in self-gratification in diminishing the client and feeling his superiority. Thinking back I see now that being psychic and deeply connected to Source what I saw was accurate: Oneness. I was seeing with spiritual eyes. Obviously he had no such capacity, nor even the simple ability to understand what was going on. There were so many incidences of this kind that did damage to me, made me wrong, missed the whole point of who I was, that honestly I'd love to get those *** together and tell them a few things. So, honor yourself, listen to your gut. Ignore anything negative anyone says about you that does not resonate and in any way puts you down. You are the authority of your own life, inviolate and sovereign. Trust yourself. Comments are closed.
December 2024