When we try to make decisions we are all aware of one part of us saying one thing, another part of us saying another thing. When the decision is a complex one, even more sides are presented by yet different aspects of ourselves.
Growing up none of us is taught what to do with these voices, these separate parts of us wanting and saying different things. And if the situation is critical in some way we engage in a battle of ignoring or suppressing one of the voices, wanting to make it bad because this thing you gotta do can't take interference from any other aspect of your being. The worst part about ignoring, suppressing, putting down these voices, these different aspects of us, is that they do not go away but stay haunting you, stalking you, never giving you peace. It's really not an ideal solution. The truth is, it's easy to manage these different parts of us wanting expression! If you stop and give time to each aspect of you that has a view, a request, etc., and without hurry hear each of your different aspects present their take on the situation, you will be surprised how much easier the decision becomes. In effect, you have all the facts in and it becomes easy to see the right course. We are afraid to listen to some of our voices because we fear that they will undermine something we desperately want or want to achieve. But they won't; not if you give them attention and time to state their perspective. We are hugely, hugely complex as human beings. These separate aspects of us reflect this complexity, this richness of our being, and listening to all these various aspects of our being with patience and love is one of the ways we say yes to our magnificence and reside in our wholeness where there is peace and security. Comments are closed.
January 2025