I think most of us on the spiritual path always want a closer relationship with our soul self, our divine self. We want to feel its presence. Most of all, I think, we want to have an undeniable communication with our soul self, the kind where we ask for guidance or information or anything else -- and actually feel our soul self respond.
This is connected to intuition. When we ask our soul self for something, we can hear the response directly, or when we have a strong intention about something, our soul self can come through and give us a sense of things. If you want to cultivate a stronger connection to your soul self, cultivate stronger intuition, an easy way to do that is to regularly make requests from your soul self before you go to bed at night. I've created My Dream Requests notebook just for that purpose. You make a request from your soul about anything you want to know or any help you want to receive and then the next day you might wake up with the knowing or receive information sometime later. The most important part about establishing a strong connection with your soul in this manner is to be consistent. In other words, you are always looking for that connection and always expecting a response. This consistency expands your ability to easily feel the presence of your soul self, easily make contact when you need information or help. When we do this, continual contact our soul self, we become the divine humans that we are. We are no longer just human, we ever-more become divine humans. We do more and more what is our soul truth and less of what only our human personality perceives or wants. In this way, we are no longer alone on the planet. We have a powerful companion, our soul self. We live from our soul truth. We can be at peace. We are in a position to have the most fulfilling and happiest life possible. This also assures that we growth through our life challenges in the quickest easiest way -- by receiving help from our soul self. Essentially by asking help from our soul self, we are saying, we are ready to grow, evolve. We are willing to be guided by our highest soul truth. We are willing to change, expand our being, to know a higher truth, be willing to hold more light, become more the divine humans that we really are. There are many ways and tools to expand our spiritual potential, using My Dream Requests notebook, along with My Manifesting Planner, is one way. It may be a way that works for you. Comments are closed.
December 2024