If you're on the spiritual path I know that, like me, you have been having trouble organizing and integrating your spiritual life and personal growth with everyday tasks and commitments.
All the planners out there have tight spaces for your appointments and perhaps, to-do lists, but none of them address your inner life, your personal growth, your heart's desires, your SOUL. (Except for some Christian planners, but we are not talking about that path here.) I needed a planner that would include everything, all aspects of my being: spiritual development; personal growth and healing -- I wanted to be able to regularly address whatever childhood programing arose, or aspects of my human personality I wanted to develop; handle my various creative projects: writing books, creating guided meditations, and so on; a way to focus, make sure I get done what was really important that day and not get sidetracked by irrelevant stuff; and, of course, I wanted to keep track of any appointments. That's what I was looking for in my weekly planner. Of course, nothing like that existed, so I created one. Thought creates reality. We're always manifesting ourselves, our lives. My Manifesting Planner is about consciously addressing this growth in consciousness and evolution --the process of becoming more the divine humans that we really are. Have you been seeking something like this, a planner that meets these needs? If so, take a look inside My Manifesting Planner in the Shop where you will also find supporting materials, My Dream Requests Notebook and My Divine Manifestation Project Notebook. My Manifesting Planner is a wonderful way to integrate your entire life and advance your spiritual growth and personal development. Comments are closed.
August 2024