We are all habituated into thinking we can have only that which our mind perceives. This is not true. From the readings I give I see we all have potentials not only a little beyond what we are actualizing, but far, far beyond. The trick is to say yes to something beyond what you can imagine so as to create space for that something to come in. And this is about the habit of honestly thinking that if we can't imagine it, it doesn't exist. If we can't see a way, it can't be done.
That is not how it works. When you imagine things, you imagine it from the reality in which you already operate. What you are capable of actualizing is another reality. You can't imagine that other reality from the reality you're in. So, what do you do? Accept that it exists, first of all. Then when you're looking to expand your life, ask for qualities that you want, the highest qualities of soul, love, joy, peace, prosperity, success . . . the actualization of your highest divine potential. Don't look at the evidence of what you have and extrapolate from there what might be possible. Take your eyes off of that and just open to the energy what it would feel like if you had the ideal lifestyle--how that would feel, and say yes! to that. Daily give some attention to that wonderful feeling. In this way you keep yourself open to receive beyond that which you can imagine. If you do this successfully, if you can truly accept this new energy, it's amazing the sorts of leaps you can make. It's saying yes! that's important. We are so used to having what we have, we're like a tight container that refuses to get bigger because the expansion hurts to much--think of stretching in Yoga. But if we are willing to go through the discomfort, the disorientation of this new feeling of expansion, we can create wonderful things for ourselves and experience unprecedented fulfillment. Ultimately all of Life is about expansion. It's a matter of whether we are willing to do this consciously, or whether it will be imposed on us. Part of evolving into a divine human is to participate consciously in our own soul expansion. Comments are closed.
January 2025